𝟓. Fluffy

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The moon hung high in the sky above Hogwarts that night and while Valentine's schools mates laughed, played cards and did homework she occupied herself with following Harry Potter.

They'd passed her outside the library, not noticing her without her loud and constant companions. They'd been too busy locked in conversation.

Dinner was near finished and she supposed they'd be going to their common room. This, she had thought, would be an excellent opportunity to check in on Harry Potter. Make sure he was staying out of trouble and living his life as carefree as could be possible in his position. And it was a better alternative than seeking out her loud, almost constant companions and listening to them whine about blood status and Harry Potter for hours.

Dumbledore had been asking after Harry as he usually did when she met with them. Perhaps this time she would actually have something to remark other than 'he seemed fine when Draco called him an attention-seeking priss this morning at breakfast'.

Draco, so far, had been the only one to question her sudden habit of being absent during meals or at night. When he had confronted her she had quickly shut up his questioning altogether. Her business was not his to dig around in. A well-placed glare made saw of that.

Draco accepted her answer with a grain of salt and let it lie. What could he have done otherwise? His cousin was a terrifying being and she was right, his father wasn't here to watch his every move. Now it was just her.

Valentine knew all this and it made her chest ache in a way she didn't fully understand. It reminded of how she felt whenever she watched Draco punished by his father for his misdeeds. That horrid clenching in between her lungs. She ignored it and pushed it away. She didn't need to be distracted by her own guilt. This task of hers wasn't purposeless.

They were in Gryffindor tower now and Valentine kept herself at a safe distance and unseen. Ron seemed like he could have been danced around, but Harry and Hermione were much sharper than that.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky." Ron insisted. "She knows more about you than you do."

"Who doesn't?" Harry replied.

Valentine knew they would need to watch the staircases closely, knowing their penchant for changing whenever they wanted.

"Ah!" There was a shout.

"What's happening?" Asked Harry.

Valentine peeked around the doorway as the very staircase the three Gryffindor's were on shifted and connected to another platform, cutting Valentine off them following them.

"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione answered.

"Let's go this way." Said, Harry.

"Before the staircase moves again," Ron added.

Well. I guess my road ends here. It's not as though they've done anything suspicious or strange. They'll probably just find another way around.

As Valentine stepped out from hiding place, the three were opening a door and disappearing inside it.

Is that...? That bloody better not be.

Valentine bit her lip in annoyance. She had yet to ask Dumbledore why exactly the third floor was forbidden and now she was cursing herself for it. Was it something dangerous? Could she take that chance?

Another staircase connected with the platform she now stood on. She followed it with her keen eyes. It would take her to the three Gryffindor's but she would have to be quick before the path was altered.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now