𝟐. Slytherin

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Valentine followed the crowd of Slytherin first years as they were led deeper and deeper into the depths of the school by a tall blonde girl, who was the Slytherin prefect.

The Slytherin dorms and common rooms were in the dungeon of the castle.

Valentine's aunt had said the common room was amazing. She had described the place as being wrapped in a cloak of shimmering silver and green with a roaring fireplace coloured a brilliant Slytherin emerald. Valentine could hardly wait to see it for herself and walked silently with the Leah and Draco at her sides.

The Slytherin prefect turned and smiled at the group. Behind her stood a plain brick wall.

What's going on? It's a dead end...

"What I am about to show must never be shown to any member of any other house," Said the girl, her words stern and serious. "You must all promise to never tell a soul."

The students around Valentine nodded sincerely, all watching closely at the girls every move.

She placed her palm against the stone wall and spoke sternly and clearly.

"Pureblood pride."

Then all the students looked in baffled amazement as the stones began to move and shuffle, rearranging themselves into a large archway. The students all turned whispering excitedly to each other.

Wow...It's just like the secret tunnels back at Malfoy Manor.

"Awesome." Valentine heard Draco mumbled beside her, keeping his voice low.

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was so cool!" Leah exclaimed excitedly, practically jumping on the spot.

"Certainly" Valentine nodded.

"Are you kidding me? Where's your enthusiasm? That was one of the best things I've ever seen!" Cried Leah.

"The password changes once every term. You must remember the password." The prefect continued. "Nobody wants to be stuck out in the halls all night, especially with Flich stalking about."

The girl turned with a flick of her ponytail and motioned the first years to follow her into the tunnel that lay beyond the archway.

The students scrambled excitedly behind the girl, all wanting to get to the common room as quickly as possible. They walked down the short hallway until they reach a set of dark wooden doors. The prefect knocked three times and the doors swung open.

What lay before Valentine was not what she expected. It was a hundred times better.
The fireplace stood tall and proud, the stone walls were the home of emerald and silver tapestries. Several leather couches were spread out about the large room and on the other side were two stone archways.

The first years were completely silent in their obvious amazement, even Leah was at a loss for words.

It was the prefect's voice that called out to the students and pulled them from their daze.

"The doorway on the left leads to the boy's dormitories and the girl's dormitories are on the right. All your luggage has already been placed in your dorm rooms. There are three students to each room, there will be no room changes, so get used to sharing. Lights out at nine o'clock. Be proud that this is your house and enjoy your first night as a member of Slytherin." With that, the girl turned and left the common room.

At first, all the students stood in silence, still taking in their surroundings. That was only until Valentine spoke up.

"Well, then. I'm not going to just stand here gawking." She said, her voice cold and nodding to Draco.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant