𝟓𝟏. Grindylow

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One would probably assume that if Valentine Lestrange was late for a class, then it was usually on purpose, as it was when it came to Potions. However, today it was not such a situation. A first-year had run into her on the way to class, quite literally in fact and with enough force to send them on to their backsides. If it had been just a little bump then Valentine could have just cursed at them and moved on but the way her books had ended on scattered on the floor meant this couldn't be treated as a minor incident.

The poor first year, a Ravenclaw boy, was far too afraid to do much more than tremble as she stood with a snarl and glare. She told him that he was an idiot and should watch where the hell he was going. She grabbed one of his own books, also on the floor and threw it through the closest window, breaking the glass. They were on the third floor so she doubted he would be getting the book back anytime soon. She'd then left before someone could come and investigate the noise. Walking away, she regretted actually breaking the window. She knew her uncle would have to pay for it and he would be less than happy to do so.

When she finally got to class, she was around ten minutes late and Lupin had already started the lesson. The desks were set out in an ordinary fashion, unlike their first lesson. On the blackboard was a large and detailed drawing of a Grindylow. Valentine found this rather tame given what she had experienced from him so far. Their first lesson had been facing the Boggart and their second had been revision and chance for the other students to get their chance. Valentine had once again planned to simply slip out of the classroom, but, six turns away from her own, a student's fear of clowns made him vomit and pass out. After that Lupin ended it and finished his lecture in the hall so the smell could air out.

Maybe he's decided he's had enough with practical displays that go wrong?

"Ah, Valentine." Lupin addressed when he saw her. "I was beginning to wondering where you were."

"Mind your own business," Valentine grumbled and sent Liam a look that said 'find somewhere else to sit' as he was sitting beside Draco.

Liam immediately started to gather his books and Lupin cleared his voice.

"Stay right where you are, Liam." He said. "Your friend is late and thus can't expect to sit wherever she likes. There are several spare seats. Choose one and turn to page eighteen."

Valentine studied the man for a moment. He stood at his desk, hands in his trouser pockets, watching her with an expectant and rather unimpressed gaze. This was her punishment for being late and probably her attitude on top of that. Not much of punishment generally speaking but he knew that for someone like her it was demeaning.

"Well?" He prompted when she didn't move from where he stood near Draco and Liam's desk. The entire room was silent. She knew the apprehension well. "Are we going to have a problem today?"

"Hmm." Valentine hummed, seeming no more pleased than him. "I haven't decided yet."

He smiled thinly at her.

"Then, by all means, decide so we can get on with the lesson." He turned away from her, effectively ending the conversation.

Valentine heard more than one person gasp around the classroom at the dismissal.

"Val," Draco whispered up to her. "Just go sit."

She silenced him with a glare and looked about the room. There were three spare seats and she wondered who would have the unfortunate task of sitting next to her. Valentine never sat apart from the others. Not even McGonagall ever separated her from them given that she always did her work and it was actually them who distracted one another without her help. Near the front, there was an empty spot beside Neville.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now