𝟑𝟑. Interference

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Valentine had been on high alert from the second she'd seen Harry and Hermione lugging overstuffed bags down the hall. The three Gryffindor's had been doing their damn best to appear casual and covert but Valentine had learned to watch every move they made. They were far too inclined to be up to no good. Not to mention the mysterious monster said to be living in the bowels of the school that had been rearing its ugly head as of late. She pushed the thoughts of more students petrified like Colin Creevy far into the back of her mind where it wouldn't be screaming in her ear all day. Valentine didn't unsettle easily but this entire situation with the Chamber of Secrets was certainly pushing it. Nevertheless, she shoved it back as far as she could. She was good at that.

Valentine followed the Gryffindor's at a safe and careful distance. The halls were crowded as people had started travelling only in groups and pairs for safety after what happened to Colin Creevy. The students moved for her as they typically did and if they didn't see her, their friends quickly pulled them out of the way. Avoiding Valentine Lestrange tended to be a school-wide effort that, unfortunately for them, didn't always pay off.

Valentine was just glad that she was alone this particular afternoon. Draco, Leah and Olivia were replying to letters and then heading over to the owlery to send them off. While Liam and Blaze had promised to help Crabbe and Goyle torment, Neville Longbottom. Valentine wondered how the two were still alive if they couldn't even tease an easily teased boy without assistance. She supposed they were just scraping brains together where they could. Liam and Blaze were admittedly rather effective as bullies although it was hardly a side of them she enjoyed.

The three Gryffindor's were heading for the stairs leading to the third floor. She picked up her pace as to not immediately lose them amongst the stream of students on the next floor.

She reached the stairs herself and hurried onwards. This time, she wouldn't take any risks. They'd almost been eaten by a giant three-headed dog once because she had done just that. However, she wasn't in any position to start an all-out corridor, free for all, brawl. Her probation hovered firmly over her like a dark cloud or a Snape. This would have to be handled with care. She couldn't run in, wand flashing, though she thought she would excel at that kind of thing. This needed precision. Decisive and exactness. What neither she or the situation needed was Lockhart to be suddenly standing in her path, blocking her view.

Is this my punishment for publicly shaming him?

"Miss Lestrange." Lockhart didn't wink at her or smile. She thought it was for the best and would have greatly appreciated it more if he wasn't in her way. "Where would be going in such a hurry?"

"Nowhere important." Said Valentine, peering around the man.

She caught a glimpse of dark hair and heavy bags quickly moving away. She knew the halls well. The Gryffindor's would reach a t-section in a matter of seconds. If she didn't hurry, she would miss them.

"If you'll excuse me." She tried to slip away but Lockhart stepped back into her path.

Did he really not learn his lesson the first time?

"One on the edge can't be too careful." He said in a tone that he probably thought was magnanimous. It wasn't.

"I assume you are referring to my outstanding probation?" Valentine practically sighed. Outwardly she appeared utterly riddled with boredom. Inwardly is was clenching her fists hard enough to draw blood.

'No, no, of course not." Lockhart waved her off half-heartedly.

"Don't worry about me. This isn't my first probation." Valentine peered around him again. Harry Potter was very nearly on the brink of disappearing from sight. "The first involved a tad bit more pain, although surprisingly not more screaming than the act you pulled."

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now