𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟

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"Saira?" Kagura opened the door that direct into her room


He walks up to her and sat down, right next to her in bed. "There's something that I need to discuss with you..."

"What is it? Is it the announcement next month? Do we need to plan the wedding sooner? Or is it that a friend might not be able to come?"

Kagura started laughing, "you're funny! That's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"It's about business..."

"What about it?"

"I... Uhm... gonna have to travel tomorrow..." he said sadly

"Is there any problem? That's common, why are you so sad about it?"

He sighs deeply, "I have to fly to four different states in two continents and it will cause me a month before I could return or at least. Just 28 days but it's almost a month..."

She gracefully giggled, "when will you ever learn how to relax?"

"You know I can'."

"Isn't that too stressful?"

"It is."

"Then why not rest?"

"I can't."

She pouted, he does always reason with her. She felt no right to blame him, she averts her gaze to calm herself down. This tense her up when he doesn't listen and always tries to come up with words to make her mad.

It's not like every time he could tease her doesn't mean that she doesn't get upset too much, there are times that she meant serious and he just does things in a funny gesture.

"Come on, I'm sorry? You don't need to be upset? I'll have 2 months with you on our honeymoon?"

"Yet you overworked yourself out! I don't want you to get exhausted!"

"But I did it so I could spend more time with you on our honeymoon. I wanna take advance works because I don't want someone else ruining our days together."

Sarada knows he was sincere just then, but all she wanted him to do is to take things a little slower, he doesn't need to get all stressed up because he was rushing all his work up to the point that he doesn't get enough sleep.

Sometimes, Sarada doesn't know what to say to him, he does listen but he often disobey her and that made her a little more concerned about his health. Not enough sleep is not that healthy for him, he also eats a little lately and that made her worry more.

"Fine... be safe tomorrow."

She was just like a mom, worrying for no reason or maybe it's just her guts telling her to overthink, to such measurement she always gets in very ominous thoughts. She just doesn't like everyone being hyped just for her, there's no reason to?

He kisses her forehead with a smile, "I'll be with you after."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

She was looking at the painting Inojin gave her. It was too beautiful not to notice, she just loved every detail about it, she couldn't stop staring at the Canvas. But then she wondered why Inojin didn't answer her.

Who is that man?...

She kept thinking about who it was? She just couldn't understand why Inojin can't say who it is?! She just wanna know who that man is because they all said that she was deeply in love with someone who she can't have?

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