= Chapter 24 =

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"Turn to page three hundred and forty two." Professor Snape said monotonically, walking quickly in between the desks.

"Fashionable late entrance, love to see it." Aspen mumbled under her breath, barely loud enough for some classmates to hear it and laugh.

"Miss Hale, that is detention for you; and meet me after class." He snarled, not even looking up from his workbook.

Aspen scowled as Lillian, who was sitting next to her, giggled mischievously. 

"Oh shut it." Aspen frowned jokingly.

The final tests were coming up as this year came to an end. It seemed to happen too quickly, as summer was only three months away. Aspen sighed as she opened her potions book, somehow knowing the this 'detention' of hers wasn't going to be good.


Aspen pulled her robes further up her cold shoulders, mostly scared of what Professor Snape wanted.

"Mr. Malfoy, considering your recent grades, I do not think you are prepared to pass this test tomorrow." Snape whispered quietly to Draco.

Aspen smirked secretly, turning around swiftly to tell everyone about Draco's bad grades.

"Miss Hale, SIT DOWN." Snape shouted as Aspen whirled around, quickly finding the closest seat as Draco smirked. "And given the circumstances, I will put Miss Hale out of detention to tutor you."

"Actually, Professor, I will gladly take the detention for myself and think about the unnecessary comment I said to you." Aspen spoke innocently, not even daring to look at Draco.

"Miss Hale, you will go to the library after dinner to help Mr. Malfoy. Is that understood?" Snape looked at Aspen sternly, then softened his glare and looked at Draco, who nodded.

"Ye-s sir-r." Aspen stammered, immedietly regretting even talking, as she knew Draco would find some way to mock her for it.


"Cedric - are you sure you'll be okay?" Lillian panicked, racing after him.

"I- Yeah." He scratched the back of his head. "The third task is tomorrow. I have to train."

"Please just be careful tomorrow." Lillian's brows creased in fear.

"You're really cute when you're worried about me - I'll be fine." Cedric smiled, pecking the top of her head sweetly.


"Y-y-es uh s-ir-r." Draco imitated Aspen's stuttering voice, following her in the hallway.

"Get lost Malfoy, I don't want to hear it." Aspen snapped, taking out her potions book from the dragon-hide bag.

Draco ran up in front of her, obviously aware that she didn't notice and bumped into him, sending the books in her book bag flying. He laughed, as did a few other students around him as Aspen lost her temper.

"You know that I would rather walk alone into the Dark Forest at midnight than spend two hours tutoring you!" She shouted angrily.

"Oh what - you think I want to do this too, Hale!? Spend time with a blood traitor?" Draco shouted back, attracting more and more people to the growing crowd. "I don't think you deserve to even be in my presence, blood traitor, or anyone's for that matter."

Youngblood: Champions {Year 4, Book 2}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat