= Chapter 19 =

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"So... you're saying it should work?" Lillian asked skeptically, eyeing a giggling Aspen.

"Hey! I'm no Ravenclaw, but I have learned self confidence - it'll work." Aspen nodded optimistically as Lillian sighed and rolled her eyes.

Lillian poured the correct amount of adder's fork into the bubbling cauldron, watching as it turned a pastel pink color. Aspen raised her eyebrows as Lillian looked back at her thankfully.

"Well done girls. Ten points to Slytherin." Professor Snape gave a sly smirk to Lillian and Aspen before turning to the whole class.

"Class dismissed!"


Aspen walked wearily down the corridor, toying with the ring Draco had given her for Christmas as she turned into the Great Hall. She barely had time to react before she felt a slimy substance on her back.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Ember shouted as Aspen became numb, collapsing to the floor motionlessly.

Aspen tried to squirm, fear clouding over her eyes in the form of tears. Students from all around laughed and giggled at the sight of a paralyzed Aspen lying pitifully on the ground.


Food and dishes were tossed at her, some of the dishes and bowls even breaking and slices the exposed skin and even through her robes, leaving them tattered. Ember hopped from standing on the table, landing effortlessly on the solid stone ground. She walked closer to Aspen's motionless, tearing body as she bent down, leaning in to whisper something.

"Awwwwwww..." Ember said the next words slowly, and loud enough for everyone to hear. "Is the little baby going to go cry to her mommy?"

The words hit Aspen hard as she never expected the next few words.

"Oh wait..." Ember got up, sneering wickedly at Aspen before releasing her from the curse.

Aspen staggered up, withdrawing her wand from her back pocket and holding it out before a searing pain hit the back of her head and she collapsed to the ground again, this time placing her unharmed wand back in her pocket and fleeing from the Great Hall, trailing food and scraps on her way back to the dorm, her eyes covered by her arm as she sprinted.


Everything seemed wrong - her usual self-confidence was replaced by fear and she didn't want anyone to see her like this. She raced into the bathroom, quickly discarding her trashed robes in a corner and hopping in the shower, washing the food off. She flinched as she warm water rushed over the slices and cuts from the dishes, stinging the raw wounds.

"What just happened..." Aspen said fearfully as she stepped out of the shower.

"Accio pajamas." She commanded as a tight, long sleeve shirt and baggy sweatpants flew into her hand.

'I don't understand what I did to deserve this.' She thought as she walked back to the common room, her head down in shame.


"Aspen! You look terrible! What happened?" Vivid was the first to notice.

"N-Nothing." Aspen pushed past her, hulking up the stairs.

"And where did you get those cuts?"

"Honestly, Vivi, you're sounding a lot like my..." Aspen began, but began to cry, the tears streaming down her face as she ran up the stairs and collapsed on her bed.

The crying never stopped, continuously running down her face and onto her soft, feather pillow which was drenched by the time a timid Lillian showed up to comfort her.

"Aspen?" Lillian spoke delicately.


"I- just everyone's worried about you. You ran in here so quickly, I wondered what happened-"

"McClain is what happened!" Aspen shouted, her fuse blown. "She just froze me like I was nothing but a rat and began to toss food and dishes at me and... my mother."

"It's okay." Lillian said, walking swiftly next to her friend to wrap her in a tight embrace. "She's just a nobody. Don't let her get to you."

"But she already has. She's gotten under my skin so many times just- I want it to be over." Aspen sighed, her eyes dried up by now.

Lillian smiled, not knowing what to say, so she nodded.

"But a lot of people are worried about you - heck - even Marcus Flint seemed provoked." Lillian spoke softly as Aspen nodded, getting up and following her friend. 


So many people were sitting on the couch, waiting for her. Marcus was the first to get up as he wrapped her in a tight hug, which she didn't resist.

"I've kicked Ember from the quidditch team for what she did. It was the least I could do." He smiled as she nodded a thanks, not even daring to speak.

"Aspen... we were so worried about you." Vivid said, embracing Aspen.


"WHERE IS SHE!?" A familiar voice sent the whole crowd scattering as Aspen mentally facepalmed, knowing the voice all too much.

Draco pushed through the remaining crowd, his eyes turning soft once he spotted Aspen. She was beat up and bruised, with cuts surrounding her arms, face, and a few on her legs. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers as she smiled subtly in his chest.


"Hello there, darling." Draco smiled as he plopped down on the couch next to Aspen, breaking her from her trans of staring into the fire, which always helped her think.

"Hey Dray." Aspen said flatly, not in the mood for her usual, cheerier tone.

It was at least a minute before he said, "I want you to know that you can talk to me."

"I know." Aspen said, hesitating before she told Draco.

"Ember said that she-"


"Now Crabbe, Goyle. Spread the word about Ember. Make sure everyone in the whole school - and Durmstrang and Beauxbatons - know her secret."

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