= Chapter 3 =

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The winged horses flew through the air gracefully. The Hogwarts students watched them come into landing through the windows of the Great Hall. Everyone had been informed of the Beauxbatons School arrival, but still didn't know the reason.

"Well, there's something you don't see everyday." Lillian gasped in awe at the large carriage the horses were pulling.

"I would've came on... that. But I get motion sickness easily." Arya said nearby Ember, who nodded understandingly.

The palomino Abraxan winged horses came to a quick halt swiftly on the runway, which was at least accurate enough not to run Hagrid over. Just as everyone thought they'd seen enough for the day, a large ship emerged from the dark, murky Black Lake, approaching land quickly.


-= During the Sorting Ceremony (Last night) =-

"I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be you home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen." Dumbledore began, but was interrupted by Filch's obnoxious running to whisper something in Dumbledore's ear, which he understood and nodded, continuing his speech.

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests." Dumbledore spoke cautiously, watching each of the house tables and identifying them carefully.  

"From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these competitions are not for the faint-hearte, but more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime." He said, opening the Great Hall doors with a flick of his hand.

A group of girls dressed in baby blue uniforms, Arya Stark among them, dancing up the aisle, releasing matching blue butterflies in their wake. It would be fair to say most of the boys were stunned.

"Blimey, that's one big woman." Seamus Finnigan remarked quietly as Madam Maxine, Beauxbatons' headmistress passed by, smiling proudly.

"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang, and the high master Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore announced as a series of older boys walked up the aisle brandishing long, mystical wooden staffs, twirling them around and periodically stabbing them into the ground with a spark effect. 

The girls were practically drooling over the Durmstrang students in their heavy winter jackets, yet still quite showy of their toned, muscular chests.

"It's him... It's Viktor Krum!" Dove heard Ron exclaim from across her.

The ginger practically loved the infamous quidditch player - and Dove knew that. It was quite hysterical to watch him drool over Krum like one of the girls. Igor and Dumbledore embraced for a long second, then released each other.

"Your attention please!" Dumbledore exclaimed to the vast sea of students, who had started chattering loudly. "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks."

"Wicked." Fred and George said in unison, earning a few giggles from nearby students.

"For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of Department of International Magic Cooperation Minister Bartimus Crouch." Dumbledore started, but was cut off by the candled ceiling acting up, thunder roaring overhead.

Rain began to leak through the roof as the students screamed and scrambled under the tables as an unfamiliar man stood in the door way. He stepped forward, coming out of the dim light so Aspen could make out some of his describable features: a mechanic eye  held in with an eyepatch and a peg leg. He flicked his wand at the ceiling and calmed the roof.

"Bloody hell, it's Mad-Eye Moody!" Aspen heard Ron exclaim from the nearby Gryffindor table.

"Alastor Moody? The auror?" She asked, turning to Ron, who crawled out from under the table.

"He was a catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though these days." Dove said, sounding as smart as she was.

Mad-Eye Moody limped down the aisle, although Aspen could've sworn she was him looking directly at Harry with his fake eye. His breaths were ragged and heavy, most likely to be heard all the way across the room.

"My dear old friend, thanks for coming." Dumbledore dove said, greeting the auror.

"That stupid roof." Moody remarked, taking a swig from a mysterious flask in his pocket.

"What's that he's drinking you suppose?" Lillian whispered over to Aspen.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice." She said, now fully curious. 

"After much deliberation, the ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name into the tri-wizard tournament. This decision is final." Bartimus Crouch continued after some time, seeming annoyed by the slight dilemma.

The crowd flew into shrieks of anger as some booing could be heard. Aspen and Lillian groaned in annoyance as he said the words, but then Lillian's face changed.

"Give this to Cedric." Lillian whispered to a ball of mint fluff - her pygmy puff Thistle.

You should give it a go ;)        - Lillian 

Thistle jumped off the table and scurried to the other side of the room as the teachers were distracted calming the students, handing it to a charming Hufflepuff student.

"That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!!!" The Weasley twins screamed as Thistle returned to Lillian, out of breath.

Will do <3           - Ced

Lillian smiled as Dumbledore continued to speak.

"SILENCE!" The headmaster flicked his wand towards a golden goblet, which lite a blue flame, making students gape in awe.

"The Goblet Of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament: merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it into the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment on... the tri-wizard tournament has begun."

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