= Chapter 7 =

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"Hm... can't we just sit like this. Just for a while longer." Draco hummed into Aspen's neck, kissing it softly.

"Only if you want to miss potions... and anger Snape." Aspen smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

"For you... of course." He smirked as Aspen rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, I don't." She said, getting up and dragging a frowning Draco to his feet. "Let's go! We don't want to miss classes."


"Amazing! Amazing!" Neville Longbottom said, fascinated as he examined the plant life in the water.

"Neville! You're doing it again!" Harry laughed, knowing the boy had a good fascination in Herbology.

"Oh, right sorry." He sighed.

"Magical water plants of the highland Lochs?" Dove asked, surveying the plant in a book.

"Moody game it to me. He really is a nice teacher." Neville nodded, waving as Hermione and Ron walk up.

"We've already been through enough people, why don't you just go and do it yourself? Ughh. What do you want me to say again?" Hermione's whispered conversation with Ron was frustrating as he continuously gave Harry a deathly glare.

Hermione walked up to Harry, saying, "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you."

"Is that right? well... what?" Harry answered back, confused.

"Uhhh..." Hermione stammered as Dove exchanged awkward glances with her as she walked back to Ron, once again listening to his whispering.

"Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione sighed to Harry once again.

"Well you can tell Ronald..."

"I'm not an owl!"


An ear piercing roar screeched through the air, causing silence among the conversation Hagrid and Harry had been having earlier.

"Hagrid?" A feminine voice said as Madame Maxine popped out of the bushes.

"Oh, the cloak. Put the cloak on, Harry." Hagrid says, rushing Harry as he finally equips the cloak over his body, hiding himself.

"Bonsoir Olympe" Hagrid says, blushing as he did so.

"Oh Hagrid! I thought you weren't coming, I thought perhaps... you had... forgotten me." She frets.

"Couldn't forget you Olympe." Hagrid smiles cheerily.

"What is it you wanted to show me? When we spoke earlier you sounded so... exhilarated." Maxine said.

"You'll be glad you came. Trust me." Hagrid says as he pushes the brush aside, revealing massive, scaled creatures.

-= Harry's POV =-

I stood, staring at the flames engulfing the surrounding area. But It wasn't just the flames that indulged me, there was a girl, standing among the flames... talking to the dragons, calming them down. She reached her hand out, just barely touching the nearest dragon's snout - a Hungarian Horntail.


"Pfft! Madranette, you dork! Why don't you just shove your face in another book!" Ember's annoying, tuned voice rang from the halls, beckoning Aspen from her half-sleep walk.

She had been up ALL night doing... well - it had something to do with the tournament...

"And Copper, your brain might as well be the size of a peanut! Did you really think you could stand up to me?"

"McClain, stay away from them!" Aspen yelled, shoving her way through millions of students crowded around the annoyance of a girl.

"Ah! Aspen, love, come join us!"

"I dont know if your memory is foggy or your brain isn't screwed in right, but either way, you should know never to mess with my friends!" Aspen shouted, shoving Ember, further into the crowd, making her fall over and whimper.

"C'mon guys." Aspen said, helping the other girls to their feet.

"Aspen, that... was... bloody... AWESOME!" Eleara exclaimed, hugging the Slytherin.

"That was, high five!" Dove said as Aspen smacked her hand with her own.

Ember should've known better, never mess with an angry Slytherin over her friends.

(A/N): This chapter was kinda everywhere. I had some ideas, but honestly, I don't really like this chapter. I'm proud of all my writings, but this one is probs my least favorite.  

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