= Chapter 23 = (Pt. 2)

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Lillian hugged Cedric tightly, happy to be alive. He chuckled at her cute gesture, returning the embrace. Aspen's eyes darted around the room, finding a pair of deep-set grey eyes. She quickly looked away.

"Aspen... how'd you do it?" Eleara asked.

"I- just- uhm got lucky." Aspen shrugged.

"Well you got real lucky. I mean - the teachers aren't after you." Seamus Finnigan chuckled.

Aspen laughed nervously, looking back out into the snowstorm. Hoping to catch a glimpse of Stormswift galloping ever so gracefully.

"Something wrong, love?" Ember cooed, walking up behind her.

"No." Aspen said defensively, not even peering behind her to look at the black haired girl.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were love sick." She continued, smirking wildly as Aspen rolled her eyes.

"And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you are jealous." Aspen turned Ember's smirk into a scowl.

"Last semester, you said that because I was a Slytherin, that I could never be the 'good guy' as you called it. Seems I did a good job at playing hero this time." Aspen narrowed her eyes as Ember frowned, walking off.


Dove sat by the fire so the cold could not get to her, entangled in Harry's arms. He rested his chin on top of her head and grabbed a red and gold blanket from the ground, throwing it so it now spread on top of them.

"Thanks." Dove smiled.

"Anytime." Harry purred.

"Harry? Could I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why me? I mean- there's Ginny, or Hermione, or Lav-"

Dove was cut off by a passionate kiss from Harry that seemed to last only seconds, leaving her lips fiery afterwards.

"Because you're you."


"Okay... note to self." Lillian giggled, pecking Cedric on the cheek as she sat down next to him on a rolled out blanket on top of the Astronomy Tower. "Hogwarts-Astronomy-Tower dates are better than Hogsmeade dates. Especially since we're not being blown away by a snowstorm."

"Agreed." He chuckled back, but his smile turned serious as soon as he spotted bruising along her wrist and neck.

"Lilli, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"I-uhm." Lillian didn't know where to start.


"Now I just want you to know one thing, you pathetic Rose." Cho threatened, which surprised Lillian right after dinner last night, due to her normally calm demeanor. "Cedric. Is. Mine."

"I- he can m-make his own de-decisions." Lillian stammered.

"Not as long as he's blinded by you." Cho moved her hand up to Lillian's throat, squeezing just enough to leave slight bruising.

Lillian's breath became shaky, her legs became weak, and her vision blurred. If someone was going to help her - they better come quick.

"Flipendo!" A masculine voice shouted from the hallway.

"...Ugh. It's just Rose." The voice became more and more familiar - the usual annoying tone of... Draco Malfoy. "Well, c'mon then - up you go."

He helped her stand up as she blinked rapidly, her vision returning to normal. Lillian backed away from Draco, who looked at her tensely before walking away.


"... And then Malfoy helped me." Lillian ended her story.

"Malfoy? Maybe I should give him a bit more credit next time I see him. But are you sure it was Cho?" Cedric questioned, his muscles stiff, hinting that he was angry.

"Yes... but don't hurt her Ced. She's just jealous." Lillian stopped him from getting up. "Please just stay here with me.

"Always, Lilli. I will always be here for you."


Aspen walked down the long corridor to the Great Hall for dinner, side by side with Lillian and Vivid. She sighed as Lillian stopped abruptly in front of her, causing her to crash into Lillian.

"What!?" Aspen cried, clearly annoyed.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" Lillian shrugged innocently.

"That's okay, I have to go too. See you in class." Vivid asked, turning to Aspen.

"Yeah sure." She agreed, continuing to walk down the dark hallway leading to the third floor staircase.

"Hey Hale, I need to talk to you." Draco said demandingly, coming out from leaning against the wall in the shadows once he made sure Aspen's friends were gone.

"I have no interest to talk, Malfoy." Aspen spat, briskly walking around him, almost hugging the wall opposite from him.

He snarled, walking close to her and quickly shoving her against the wall, placing his arms by her head to block her escape routes. Her breath hitched in her throat as his face came dangerously close.

"Don't talk to me like that." He growled, his breath tickling her neck. "And also what do you think gave you the right to talk to me like that in the courtyard, you callous swine."

Aspen squirmed under his grasp, desperately wanting to be freed. "Draco, what are you doing!? Let go of me-"

Draco slammed her harder against the wall, her shoulders aching at the impact. "You-"

"Stupify!" Someone hollered from the hallway, sending Draco flying out of sight.

"Aspen! Are you okay?" Lillian said, running over to her.

"Y-Yeah." She said, glancing back at Draco, who had disappeared from the scene. "Just a bit shaken."

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