= Chapter 26 =

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The crowd burst into cheers as Harry appeared in front of them. Lillian burst into cheers also, not knowing why Cedric wasn't moving. Harry was sprawled on the ground, tears streaming freely from his face as the echo of his cries swept across the grounds.

A sudden scream from Fleur shocked everyone, and most knew what happened. A few teachers and staff rushed down to the boy and the dead body.

"Keep everyone in their seats. A boy has just been killed." Cornelius Fudge whispered in the isle next to Lillian's seat.

Aspen had too, figured it out - an emotionless, unmoving body still laying in the clearing in front of the maze. She brought a hand to her mouth, tears welling up as she didn't even dare to look over at Lillian, only glancing at Dove in pure shock.

A heartbroken cry burst from Lillian's mouth as she stumbled over the railing towards Cedric, only to be held back by Aspen.

"Cedric!" She screamed, struggling in Aspen's arms, only to collapse to the floor in tears and beginning to sob unstoppably.

Aspen knelt down beside her, not knowing what to do. She only heard the cries Lillian, who rose shakily to her feet and staggered over to Cedric's side. Lillian bent over him, burying her face in his chest to muffle her cries.

"Cedric... NO!" She wailed, bringing her head up to face a teary eyed Aspen, looking at her sorrowfully.

"That's my boy! My son!" Cedric's father cried, pushing through the crowd and kneeled down by Lillian.

"Harry... what happened?" She said between sobs.

"Voldemort... he's back. I'm so sorry. I tried to save Ced-" Harry began before breaking into tears once again and was ushered off by Professor Moody.

"Everybody back to your dorms." Dumbledore's voice boomed above the weeping crowd as they slowly made their way back to the castle.

Aspen bit her lip before walking down the slippery steps to meet Lillian, who wasn't moving from her place at Cedric's side.

"Lillian - we should... we should go." She said, a single tear falling.

"I-I don't want to leave him all alone." Lillian replied, holding onto Cedric tighter.

Aspen didn't know what to say, only placing a hand on her friend's shoulder and tugging slightly. Lillian looked up at her, her blue eyes, who were once full of life and happiness, were now dull and sad.

"I'm so sorry. We have to. It'll be alright." Aspen cooed softly, her voice barely above a whisper as Lillian sadly rose to her feet and hugging Aspen tightly.


Lillian stared out the window, looking into the misty Black Lake and slouched on her bed. Aspen sat next to her, mimicking her actions. Even Ember didn't make an insult or move from her bed, reading some novel.

"Y-You want some water. I'm getting up anyways." Aspen finally said sweetly, smiling weakly down at Lillian.

"Uhm. Yeah sure." Lillian replied, not loosing her gaze of the lake outside.

Aspen grabbed her fur coat from a nearby hanger and slid into it, walking out of the common room and into the Great Hall. She grabbed an untouched cup of water from the Slytherin table and made her way outside the hall. She barely made it a few feet before breaking into tears. She slouched against the wall and slowly slid down, sobbing into her knees.

"Darling?" A soothing voice said from above her.

"...Draco." She said emotionlessly, not looking up from her knees.

"Want to tell me what's got you down? Then I'll tell you why I've come." He said, almost coldly.

"Don't plan on it." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'll tell you anyways. I've come to admit that I regret ever speaking of Ember's little... secret." He snarled, hating to admit. "I just - I want you back with me. For us to be together once again."

Aspen bit her lip as she burst into tears once again, Draco's face turning soft and pity-filled.

"Draco - I can't. I have to take care of my best friend, who's lost herself over the death of Cedric. I just can't be bothered with even the thought of us being back together. I'm so sorry." She wept as Draco crinkled his nose.

"Doesn't that just sound like something she has to figure out herself?" He scowled.

"You don't get it, do you!? She needs someone to get through this and I don't see anyone else stepping up. She's my top priority right now." Aspen sighed. "But you wouldn't get that, would you? You're just a cold hearted snake."

Draco looked at her, his face full of anger and betrayal. He pursed his lips together, creating a thin line.

"But this is my promise:" She leaned closely, barely pecking him on the cheek. "If Lillian gets through this, and my heart can finally open up. I promise you - I'll be ready."

He bit his lip, looking down at her. "You know that if you do this - I will not give you any mercy - and to keep my reputation, I will have no choice but to -"

"Harass me - yes, I know. Do it all you want, then see if I truly care about you." She scoffed, getting up and beginning to walk down the hallway, turning back to hear Draco yell loud enough for all of Hogwarts to hear.

"Get out of here, Blood traitor!"


Aspen quickly returned with the cup of water, climbing the stairs drearily and handing it to Lillian, who took it gratefully.

"Thanks." Lillian spoke softly, barely looking up at her, emotion still missing from her face.

"Is she going to be okay?" Ember whispered as Aspen went to sit on her own bed. 

"I- I honestly don't know." Aspen looked down at her feet sadly.

"Is something wrong, love?" She asked.

"J-Just... I now have to shift my whole focus to Lillian, and I'm so scared that she may never return to the same happy, cheerful friend she used to be." Aspen said, keeping the tears from falling freely down her face.

"Events like these can change a person, believe me." Ember began, moving to sit on Aspen's bed with her. "But the real challenge is surviving them. Lillian is strong - she'll make it through this - but you're also right, you've got to be there for her.

Ember smiled over at Aspen, who hugged her. Surprised, Ember hugged her back, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"It'll be alright."

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