Chapter 1 : Wait and Watch

Start from the beginning


"Is she awake?"

"I don't know, she seems like she is in a coma."

"She is the most beautiful being I have ever seen."

"Silence, it's the end of the world and your thinking of love?"

"Can I stroke her hair?"

"No! You idiot."

"Look, she is awaking."

ily opened her eyes and looked around her with such horror she almost screamed. She was in a dark room, a lantern shedding its light on a table in the corner. Curtains covered a small window that was closer to the ceiling than normal. They were underground. Three men stood nearby, silently watching her. One looked insecure and stood farther away from the rest. His pale blond hair covered his eyes in a slightly insecure way. The other two stood closer to her, one with jet black hair that was swept across his forehead leaving his green eyes to peer at her. His friend had a rough wool sweater and a clean shaken face with a lavender smell she could detect. In the corner a pale face startled her most of all. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was breathing heavily. He looked like her sisters age. About 8. Her sister! Despite the strange men standing nearby, she hopped up. She had to save her sister!

Wait! Where are you going?"

The clean looking man shouted and grabbed her by the shoulders. She kicked and hollered.

"Let me go! I have to save my sister!"

She punched him on the face and ran blindly to the stairs. All of the men gave chase. She pushed open the door and ran outside, again her feet becoming numb with the cold. They all had shoes but she was still faster than them. She had run track at school and was the fastest runner. She came out of an old cabin but she noticed exactly where she was. She ran toward her house sprinting, but more jumping. Her house was a block from this one. They seemed to be staying in her old best friend's house, but it has been abandoned for a long time.

"Leave me alone!"

She screamed and pushed herself farther. She looked behind her and saw them about four meters back. She finally made it home barely out of breath. She flung open the door and looked inside.

She screamed.

Her parents lied in each other's arms, staring blankly ahead of them. Their skin was cold and clammy and an odor was beginning to surface in the air. Her mother's beautiful blue eyes glazed over with some sort of peacefulness. She gagged and tears ran down her cheeks. She quickly ran to them and pulled her little sister in her arms.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Please don't leave me."

She heard her sister's desperate cries in her head. She was a selfish girl. How come she is alive while they are all dead? Suddenly she felt a soft thump on her sister's wrist she had been grasping so hard. The men burst in and looked around wildly. She cracked.

"Please help her! She is my sister. She is alive, I can feel her heart. Please I will do anything!"

The men exchanged glances.


They both jogged to where she sat and snatched her sister from her arms. The one with dark hair began to walk her out the door.

"Where are you going?"

Lily put her hands to her face to wipe the tears away. She felt nausea coming up her throat. She fainted.

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