Chapter 4 : Twigs snapping In The Dark Part 2

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Her heart pounded in her chest as she pulled out a water bottle for defense and got her fist ready.


She counted.


She breathed.


She shouted and jumped out of her hiding place.

She slammed right into....Jackson. He stood there a crimson coated knife clasped in his left hand while his hair and clothes were wilder then a willow tree. Mud stains ran along the side of his face while Lily swore a hand print was on the bottom of his white shirt.

"Are you following me?"

Lily asked afraid of the answer.


He said silently, his right hand strayed into his jean pocket.

"What are you doing here?"

A hint of surprise still in her voice.

"The question is, what are you doing here?"

He said smiling a slight bit. Lily was so confused she could barely think of some words to say. The wind howled in her ear and made the night even eerier.

"I asked you first, and you have to answer first."

Lily thought this conversation was going nowhere.

"Well I was just strolling along when I noticed you and was curious to why you are here. You're turn. Also do you really think a water bottle will protect you?"

Jackson laughed. Lily gestured to the knife with a point of her fingers. She felt embarrassed and dropped the water bottle in her satchel.

"Oh and this is none of your business."

He said winked, this move reminded Lily of James.

"I like to walk, no run. Like when I want to think."

Lily said hesitantly. She noticed Jackson began slowly looking down, the tiny happy vibe disappearing. He looked up from under his pale hair and spoke so soft she could barely make out his words.

"I must bring you home, not safe walking around here."

Lily realized she was losing him.

"Why, when there is no one who could harm me."

He glared at her with a secret look she has never seen before.

"It’s dangerous, there are people that... Just let’s go home."

He startled Lily so much with the fierceness in his voice that she toke a step back. She saw his eyes impossibly widen more from her move. His features grew hard again and he softened his voice.

"Let’s go."

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her along gently. Lily looked behind her at the slowly growing distance from graveyard and felt a sense of relief. She felt safer because all this time she felt eyes laying on her. She couldn't figure out if it was Jackson or something, no someone else.


The rest of the walk was silent an awkward feeling settling in her stomach. He had released her wrist as if it was too hot for touching while walking and stuck his hands in both pockets. Lily didn't notice at the time where the knife had gone, or if it was even there.

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