CH 94 After all has ended

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Izuku Bakugo POV

"Honey! Don't forget your lunch!" I yelled towards my daughter before giving her one last hug.

"Alright, thanks dad! I'll catch you when I get home from practice." Katzu chants back before charging her way out the door and to the nearby lida dance studio.

"Shit, is she already gone? She forgot her lunch."

"Long gone." I poke a finger into the soup and licked it only to watch the corner of Kacchan's lip lift and eyes squint in disgust at my poor manners. "The flavor is immaculate."

"It's distasteful as shit. All it's packed with is fucktons amount of overwhelming vegan protein." He verbally retaliated.

My eyes flatten and I pucker my lips. "How can someone store so much salt in such a tiny body?"

He quickly catches on to this and chucks a piece of whole wheat bread directly aim for the face. "We'll have to get a dog if you keep throwing food on the floor. Unless you want to get on your knees and get it yourself." I sass before getting the bread up myself. I take another piece off the counter and place the two slices between his head. "Now, what are you?"

"You watch way too much TV." Kacchan rolls his eyes before lifting my face up towards his. His glasses slowly slipped down his slim nose looking down onwards to me, resulting to a fall on my face. I push them up and we bump heads. "Do you have to work late again tonight...? Is it really a must...?"

I grasp upon his face as well. "I'm sorry... Being a full time professional and family man is not easy. I can't promise whether I'll be home in time for dinner either, Kacchan."

He sighs and let's go. I realize how he feels but my daughter...? Not so much... She seems to hide it well but Katsuki has already explained how distant she becomes the longer I'm gone.
Don't get me wrong, I love the career field, although; I love my family, as well.


"Che! Sorry babe, I gotta head out now or I'll be late. I love you and don't forget to lock up." I kiss him on the forehead as fast as I could and grabbed my bag and go.

Katsuki Bakugo POV

Just like that, he was off. I was more of a part time dancer beside my husband, Izuku. My career took off as fast as his but I found love more invested into our adopted daughter, Katzu, more then dancing itself. So, I took on the role of housewife. Which I'm fully fitted for.

I'd say we were all in our late 20s by now. Others were obviously much, much, older. Everyone's off doing their own thing, some we barely keep in contact with because we've been busy for so long.

Now, our adopted daughter is around, 6 now. She's like any kid, has wild dreams and ambitions, hoping one day the world won't come crashing down on them. She picks up after me, which I'm sure Izuku isn't too pleased about. Although, she is a big ballet dancer. She has a little playmate from an old friend of ours. We got to know her has, Kamiji, she's adopted as well so they can relate with similar backgrounds. She's more of a chaotic extrovert  compared to our little Katzu, a chaotic introvert. I'm unsure on how those two will end up but I hope it continues as it is now.

Even so, with the long worrisome hours my spouse is away as well as a child in the hands of a fellow four eyes, I'm kept contempt. That just means after endless cleaning and paperwork, I can do whatever with what time I have left.

Hours seemed to passed as my daily routine of bore came to a sudden halt at the sound of a clicking door. "Oi, Dad? I'm home!" Katzu calls, alerting me awake from seemingly nothing.

Where The Wind Blows ( Bakudeku Dance AU ) //COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now