CH.71 Perseverance

774 40 23

Bakugou POV

Damn, I feel like utter shit. I scratched the back of my head as I sat right side up in the bed. I felt really nauseous, too. What happened last night...? It seems as if I can't recall anything what so ever.

"Blck!" I put my fist over my mouth to stop the sudden flow of barf.

"K-Kacchan! You're awake!" Deku dashed over to me holding a tall glass of water. "Drink." He held back my head, letting me sip slowly on the icy water, helping my dizziness fade.

"Cough, cough! Than- ehm, I-I mean, what time is it?" I stuttered out, stopping myself from using lame manners.

"It's 12:38. You were blacked out till you got sick in the middle of the night." Deku doesn't make eye contact with me, making sort of a cringe expression.

"W-What?! We have to be by the dancing competition center by 1! We need to get go-hmph!" I sat up to quickly, causing me to be slightly light headed. Damnit why can't I hold my liqueur of all days?!

"You're in no shape, mister! You're just going to have to be flexible for the time being, alright?" Deku hissed in immediate demand.

Tch. This is really pissing me off and I did it all completely to myself. "At least let me go. That's all I'm asking. I'll grab some meds on the way there and the hang over will ware off soon."

Deku thought about it for a solid while before coming to a conclusion of an agreement.

"Alright then we have no time to waste!" I say with hope. Tonight is my big performance with a couple of classmates. Tomorrow's will be Deku's with the other half of the class. The day after that both Deku and I are going to perform together. The following on the third day the whole class performs together. I can't let this mess me up now.

We finally left cutting close on time. I took a couple pills for the time being, knowing I'll have to perform in a couple of hours.
As we approached the building, streets were packed. That's saying a lot since Tokyo is always packed. It'll take another 30 minutes before we even get there! The time we get there we would already be at our destination by foot.

Deku crossed his arms and laid himself back in the taxi seat. "You should really count your blessings. We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for your quick thinking."

"Hmph." He's right, although; I am acting childish. I gaze out at the window feeling pretty giddy and anxious. I bounce my leg up and down while gritting my teeth into dust. My mind clouded with the soothing thoughts of performing in front of! My dream is right in my grasp, people cheering and calling out my name. Bakugou, Bakugou, Bakugou! Beyond all those Bakugou's I'll hear one voice that messages my ear the most. Kacchan... I truly cherish that name. Well, what I really cherish is the person who calls me by that name.

I was awake from my longed imagination by a loud shriek.

"Kacchan, Kacchan, look! We're here! We finally made it!" I laughed at his happiness rubbed off of me, admiring him bouncing up and down on the seat. I leaned over pushing his face against the window.

"We did! We really did make it!" I slammed the door open and busted my way out to open the door for Deku.

"Wait, we didn't pay him!" He babbles from behind me.

"Shit." I ran back and threw money through the window before I held the nerd's hand running off once more.

The building was huge! Rich ass looking people walking in with a bunch of extras from other schools, too! Everyone was dressed up, dancing and goofing around. Music was blasting from every which way where it can totally knock you ears off! Hah, time to show these people up, I'm guessing.

"Look who finally showed up." An annoying ass low voice spoke.

"Aizawa-Sensei?" Deku ran over to our tall sleepless teacher for a gigantic hug. Not going to lie, I did feel a tad jealous, why doesn't he hug me that way. I have no cause but to go over there, also.  "We apologize for not making the bus!"

"Heh, I expect no less from problem children like the both of you. Come on, meet up with the class in the studio." He seemed to smile, and it wasn't forced neither. I'm relieved he's not to angry with us. I could say we got pretty damn lucky to get our own studio in this building. Unlike other schools that is. Class 1B also seemed to be here. Hah! This is going to be a piece of cake getting an internship over them.

"Alright class listen up! This is a very serious thing were going up against. Screw this up and you're screwing up your very school."

I could tell the whole class held their breath after that one. Not tryna' sound cocky or any of that shit, but I'll bring this school to It's highest peak, yet.

"Now people from this class that are performing tonight...
Mina Ashido
Tenya Lida
Mashirao Ojiro
Minoru Mineta
Momo Yaoyorozu
Hanta Sero
Kyoka Jiro
Koji Koda
Fumikage Tokoyami
Katsuki Bakugou

Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Toru Hagakure
Rikido Sato
Mezo Shoji
Shoto Todoroki
Izuku Midoriya.

Group performances
Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui
Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu
Hanta Sero and Mina Ashido
Tenya Lida and Minoru Mineta
Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya-

-Lastly, the class will perform especially together. This week is packed to say the least and I have high expectations out each and every one of you. Don't let me down."

The class was finally dismissed to get ready for tonight. People who didn't have to perform could either go practice or watch other schools. Majority of the losers went to go watch the other losers, so it's whatever now. I took my way to the dressing room having a certain greenette skipping behind me.

Deku straightened out the wrinkles on my outfit I'll be performing in. Him being beside me only put more confidence and determination in the interior of my blood, sending a rush up my body. "I'll be rooting for you, Kacchan. Give 'em all you got."

"Katsuki Bakugou, you got five minutes till you perform." A man, supposedly a director, shouted from outside the door.

"This really reminds me of old times, huh? I remember a little over a year ago we were working hard to get to this point. Now look where we are..." His emerald eyes started to swell in proud tears. I rubbed the top of his head before giving a solid flash of a wink and smile before walking out the door in confidence.

It's time.

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