CH.75 Class Performance

752 43 14

3rd POV

"Now we announce U.A High! Class 1A and 1B representing their school! Please enter the stage!" Hawks announced into the Mic.

The grouped students were all dress in, one pieced body suits. The sleek black suits had short sleeves as well as short, shorts for both genders. Females had slick back ponytails as for males wore head bands. Everyone wore tight black boots as to match the rest of the outfit. There wasn't much the met the eye to the large group, however; it was to be seen soon what the actual case was.

The stage lights flickered as each person rolled onto stage in the very middle. As everyone rolled when the lights flickered off, the glow sticks no one could see at first glace in the light, glowed. They glowed ever so brightly it would be reflected back in everybody's orbs. First, was to be Midoriya to roll onto the stage- he was in the very front of the line. Then came the rest of two classes came, Bakugo being the very last person. The lights went out completely only showing the outline of the glow sticks. Midoriya was the guide for the whole group to follow his strict lead. He moved very complex but routinely. He popped out his arms and legs, moving his feet in a certain dub step motion to each bopping beat. He popped his head to the side as the glowing and flickering lights stopped as the normal lights came back on. Deku winked out at the crowd and gave a slick smirk that can make anyone squeal. The frontal section of the group jumped out of the way as the back part of the group did backflips by each two people to opposite sides of room. They made a path opening for Bakugo who came out of the back and danced in a complicated manner with fierce practically radiated from him. The small path finally closed with an illusion as suddenly Tsuyu was tossed in the air arose and dived amongst the other dancers to be caught by the group. She always seemed to specialize in acrobatics as well as Uraraka and Toru.

The crowd gasp as she practically went flying through the air before their very eyes.

The lights flicked off again showing the group doing top leveled movements, as expected. The lights illuminated a multiple ways and changed colors and patterns. Some people went behind the curtains while some partnered up. Partner A was to be held doing the splits above partner B's head. Partner B then lowers into a split was well, still holding onto the split partner A. Bakugo and Midoriya were one of these partnered pairs. They then slowly got back up as cue to the music and was tossed into the air with everyone coming back in again. Meanwhile with a spectacular light show going on. Midoriya was pushed up into the air doing a mid spin and caught back down by his truly. Everybody turned to their sides and threw back in a twerking motion. Not to much however to where it looked completely erotic. It left the crowd dumbfounded how in in sync they were. The females bent down flipping their ponytails every which way before bending back up. Group A then opened their legs and squat down, beating their fist in a routine motion as movements trained. Group B bent down on one knee kicking from their side on the ground and continued their movements. In the next scene they twisted and rolled their torsos in a smooth motion. Group A was then picked up by Group B in certain positions, while any remaining stayed in the front with a pose.

It was then the lights flicked completely into darkness and the beat dropped into silence. Not even the glow from the body sticks made a single source of glimmer.

Then it flashed.

Dancing Hero's of UA High

The glow from there sticks flicked on reading their school name. Everyone was positioned into the air where it could spell and represent the best school in Japan... No, the world! They were then thrown into the air doing one last triple flip before they landed down safely and the lights turned back on to expose a large group of people bunched up in their own pose.

Deku POV

I huffed out long breaths as the crowd stood in a ovation for a crave of more. It was obvious I wore a gigantic smile to hold my face together. I scanned the cheering crowd till I noticed...

"Mom!" I yelled still smiling proudly.

"Izuku!" She responded back subconsciously while whipping her shedding of joyful tears.

Mother was always...busy with work and such. I assumed for the most part, she wouldn't of been able to make it. It filled me with an overwhelming amount of warmth inside showing her I was capable of being a strong, qualified, dancer. As a single mom, I never wanted her to feel pressured and I don't want her to feel like as if I need to rely on her anymore.

I took my eyes over to see a toothy grin from a blonde as he danced and jumped around like an idiot.

Heh, I got Kacchan for that. With all seriousness though, it felt as if I did this for both her and Kacchan. Not only myself.

The classes as a whole were some as expressing cheering, hugging, and heck, some were even balling. That was when I felt the water works come on themselves. I put the effort into rubbing as many of the salty tears away as possible but it wasn't going to do. Kacchan then came over to me and knuckled my head.

"Tch, what a crybaby." He jokes teasingly.

I couldn't help but to look up myself and snicker was my face was a wet, sloppy, mess. "Sniff, I a-admire you, too, Kacchan. Sniff." I then took him into a tight puppy dog loving hold. I squeezed the very life out of him, snuggling to his sweet scent against his neck. I'm guessing he didn't hear me through all the cheers as he seemed slightly startled. He just sighed and gave a small laugh before hugging me back. In the moment, I felt absolutely captivated by the sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through my body.

Our class then exited the stage, we'll be waiting for our results later on. Kacchan decided, well...forcefully told me to hop on his back or I'll fall and break my own. He kept saying he didn't want to be liable for that. I gave just a soft smile at his small, but kind gesturing attempts at being a total flirt.

We went back into the room and all cheered at our accomplishment and hard work we put into this. Aizawa discussed the after party and lectured us not to make any trouble, which figures. The sleepy middle-aged man then just fell over in his caterpillar bag going fast asleep in a tight cozy slumber. Everyone went their separate ways, to the hotels I'm guessing. Kacchan entered the hotel along with myself still sluggishly hanging like a sloth on his back.

He then threw me on the soft bed as I refused to let go of his comfortable neck that I laced my arms around. "Hmm, Kacchan... I'm so worn..."

"If you couldn't tell yourself, you need a damn shower." He directly scolds. Told you he could be a great motherly figure.

"But Kacchan-! That's no fair! You always smell like sweet Carmel, no matter how much you sweat." I complained in an annoying high-pitched voice. He flinched at my comment with me not realizing what I just said put loud. A stupid, stupid, grin, only Kacchan would make himself, slowly crept onto his face.

He pinned me on the bed, an arm blocking me from moving around. I flinched, wide eyed at his response. "Well, Deku, would you like to smell some more of this Carmel." He said in a low-toned voice. I felt my heart jump out of my throat as I attempted to swallow it back down.

"I-I, w-w-what? I- yes! No! I-I mean, I-" I managed to stumbled out of the tip of my tongue.

"Right." He rolled his eyes getting up and tossing a soft fuzzy towel in my face. "I expect you in there no later then 5."

I then sat up really quickly remembering what the topic was actually about. Hmph! Stupid, Kacchan! That was a low petty blow. I immediately stood and threw off my clothes as I rushed to the bathroom, joining the ash blonde.

Tonight, I'll be all ready for the big party. As for now, bring it on, Kacchan!


I know, I know. This chapter was relatively short for the amount of time being waited. But, trust me. I'm really ready to start writing the angst for the end. Oops- is that considered a spoiler? Oh, well.


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