CH.62 Throwing it back

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Deku POV

A loud yawn escaped my mouth as I patiently waited for both Mina and Sero to show up. I could feel myself growing impatient, tapping my finger against my freckled cheek. Where could they be? They're already past 30 minutes late. The door suddenly squeaked wide open. Speak of the Endevour, there they are.

Sero bent over on his knees and elbows, his uncontrollable breath being sharp. "Sorry we're so late."

"We?" Uraraka implied with question.

Soon, Mina came busting through. "My bad I wasn't on the dot! I set my clock for 6pm not 6am." She snickered scratching her pink head, until she realized no one was amused.

"Well, since everyone was capable of making it, how about we show each other what we got?" Uraraka suggested pulling out her phone from the depths of her shirt.

"A-Ah about that-" Mina lifts a finger nervously gathering up her words.

Todoroki cuts her off. "I'm suggesting you didn't research anything, did you?" She nods her head in agreement of quiet shame. "You might as well come up with something right here and now then."

"I'll fill in for her." Sero turns Mina around from the rest of us as they plot their next move. Not even a minute later they both turn around with a doubtful and questionable grin.

"Ehm." Sero starts. "Cheer cheer cheer, yell yell yell, when this is all over, we're all going to hell." They both bow as they just accomplished all worldly issues. "Encore? Encore anyone?"

"I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say it's too early for this." I groan with a hand on my face, giving up on this hopeless group. "Anything else, anyone?"

"I was thinking of a romantic setting for a group dance. We could all partner up with someone but still dance as a whole group." Uraraka puts forward as she daydreams.

"Nah, let's go for a stunts group." Bakugou gapes with a threadbare expression.

"I was thinking about adding props." Todoroki chimes in.

"A basic fun and upbeat routine should do nicely." I simply propose rubbing my chin.

"Oh! We can be just like one of those K-POP groups!" Mina excitedly says rolling around on the blue mat floor.

Sero smacks her softly in the back of her head "Have some self control woman!" She responds with a quivering of the lip in a distraught pout.

"Does it look like everybody in this room is some weirdass K-pop stan?" Bakugou adds knocking her personal preference.

"Hey, everyone has their own bias, and besides we're getting so off track here!" Uraraka defends placing both fist on her hips.

"Well at this point let's just pull out some Just Dance videos and show case that, why don't we?" Bakugou snaps in irritation.

I smack myself in the face, dragging my hand down with it. I got up and left out the door for a cup of coffee straight out the vending machine. Shortly after, peaking over my shoulder Todoroki was standing next to me.

"I spoke with him, and it wasn't pleasant." Todoroki continued to keep a certain space away from me as I attended the machine.

I tilted my head till it finally jogged my memory. I wanted Todoroki to investigate why Kacchan was being so...close.

"What'd he say?" I question sipping on my double shot coffee.

"Further more, I have to respect someone else's level of privacy and can't say. Even if that someone is Bakugou. Sorry, Midoriya." He slightly bows in a sour apology.

Where The Wind Blows ( Bakudeku Dance AU ) //COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now