CH.93 I Do.

692 38 33

Deku POV

"Where have you two idiots been? And what's that horrid smell-?Actually, never mind that, we have no time." Denki holds his nose while stopping us. He flipped out a berry spray and practically coated us with it. "Now hurry! We got to get outside."

Kacchan squeezes my hand and gazes at me. "You ready?"


"Oh and cover that up before the priest or even worse your mom sees that." Denki tilts and points to his shoulder as a quick gesture to show my exposed hickey. I become mortified he had to see a newly perfectly placed hickey and quickly cover it back up. At least Kacchan didn't bite that high.

Anyways, we were depending on getting married outside. The sun shines down on our marriage ceremony, both friends, family, hell strangers, were there. The sunflowers bloomed over the grassy green field, pink Sakura trees fell low in a short breeze. If you were bad with allergies, you were probably screwed. The streaming, crystal, water declined high from a cliff nearby, nearly as peaceful as the humming of doves flew by and bunnies hopped all around. A long white mat laid between the endless rows of chairs, streaming lights hanging from each.

Our family sat in the very front along behind them were friends, and teachers. Even someone very.... unexpected.

The music starts slow and it was time.

"Should we still go through with it?"

"Doubting me now?"

I shook my head and we got in line.

On my side was, Todoroki, Uraraka, Tenya, and Momo.

Kacchan, unfortunately, had only had Kirishima, as Kaminari went on a search for a pair of lost jewelry.

Before I knew it, my beloved was at the end of the isle, standing proudly before all our guest.

My mother connected our arms and I admired as her lips curled into a proud, motherly smile. A smile that said, I couldn't be more proud to have you as my son.

I looked ahead and started my way down the pale rug, colored flowers blowing among us.

Some people in the crowd just sobbed or simply smiled like any decent wedding reception. I peered my greenery orbs, making contact with everyone there. Some familiar, others just well known acquaintances, and even some so long gone, they're baried deep in the back of my mind.

Once I reached the front I was able to get a good look at everyone that came.

In the front sat Mr.Tonoroshi, Aizawa Sensei, and Midnight.

Something that took me back was Shigirari actually being able to show. I was able to go under the radar of Kacchan's wrath and to my fortune, he was able to go on parole. Besides, he'll probably just be sent right back to the physic ward after this is all over.

Although, it was good to see him in a healthier and happier condition now. There's not much left I could really hope for.

On a darker note, the other side sat, Mina, due to her loss of a leg during an accident, we thought it'd be easier on her. Next to her sat Sero's picture frame after his tragic and unfair passing. The bubble gum Mina was expressing feelings like no other, wishing who Kacchan calls, Soy Sauce Face, would not smack this time for stupidity but instead pat her on the head for comfort.

Though, it felt like his energy was right with us.

In line next to sit was basically the rest of the class and surprisingly, Shinso that switched to dance after the mist of the year. In the back were the quad group of girls I met during my little, "hooker playboy dance" execution. To my surprise, they were the same girls who were at the Christmas performance. They were pretty nice girls and they get around quite a bit, so heck, why not?

Where The Wind Blows ( Bakudeku Dance AU ) //COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now