Witches In The Woods

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"-mity? Amity, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

The green-haired witch wasn't sure how much time had passed when Luz's soft, worried voice reached her through the loud, painful ringing in her ears.

Everything was still black around her, her eyelids felt too heavy to open them as the voice reached her through the darkness that surrounded her.

What exactly had just happened?

"I-" Amity groaned a bit and tried not to move too much. Her head was throbbing and her back hurt a bit—or maybe a lot—but she was also lying on top of something incredibly warm and comfortable that felt really nice. If the pain hadn't already made her not want to move, the fact that the ground beneath her felt so good would have been enough of a reason to just stay there all day. "I'm fine, just a bit dizzy," she mumbled. She still couldn't bring herself to open her eyes, but she also really didn't want Luz to worry about her. It was probably nothing anyway. "I landed on something surprisingly soft."

"Oh, did you now?"

The smug tone of Luz's voice and the fact that Amity finally realized how close the voice sounded to her made her come to a pretty embarrassing conclusion about what she was currently lying on, which immediately proved true when she finally managed to force her eyes open and the world around her became a bit less blurry.

She was on top of Luz.

'...of course.'

Amity's face turned scarlet, and for a moment, she silently hoped that whatever had just attacked them would kill her before she could die of her own embarrassment.

She was really doing extra well when it came to making herself look like a complete idiot in front of Luz today, wasn't she?

"Oh stars, I'm so sorry." Realizing where she was lying had made her wide awake again in a matter of seconds. "I- I didn't hurt you, did I?"

She tried to get up. Her face was so incredibly close to Luz's that their noses almost touched and Amity felt her cheeks grow redder  and redder by the second. She could have leaned in and kissed her right then and there... but she didn't.

Now was not the time, and this wasn't exactly the ideal scenario for a romantic first kiss that she'd imagined, either.

Not that she'd imagined how she wanted their first kiss to go— more than a couple of times...

Luz shook her head.

"No, don't worry, I'm fine. But you did scare me quite a bit with the whole 'blacking out'-thing. You had me really worried for a second there. It looked like you took a pretty bad hit..."

The sweet look of concern in Luz's face almost made Amity forget she was trying to get up for a moment.

Dang it, how was this girl so perfect?

"I... Sorry about that."

Amity grinned at her crush sheepishly when she finally managed to sit up properly and moved off of Luz.

The green-haired witch then focused entirely too much on wiping a total of fours grass stalks off her clothes in order to not have to address what had just happened.

It took a moment for her to remember again why she'd fallen in the first place.

"Wait, what about the thing that just attacked us?"

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