Mirror Image 1

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A/N: Special thanks to tangierinee, feralratsoup and garseeyart on Instagram, who made the illustrations for this chapter as part of a collab! Go check out their profiles!

Since the chapters are kinda long and I can't expect everyone to keep everything that happened in mind at all times, especially if it's been a while between two chapters, I'm gonna start doing chapter summaries from now on!

Where we left off...
At school, everyone thinks Luz and Amity are dating, but neither wants to bring it up in order to not make things even more awkward between them.
After finishing their homework, the two girls spend the afternoon calling Willow and Gus, and the four friends bring each other up to speed about what's been going on in their dimension.
Gus is concerned about the whole Grudgby-situation and glad about the distraction the call with his friends poses—especially learning a ton of new things about the human realm excites him.
There's also a little more insight about how the group has grown closer over the past summer.
While Luz is excited to hear about Willow joining the Grudgby team to show them what she's made of, Amity is concerned because she doesn't want Willow to get hurt again. Despite her doubts, she walks Willow through some tactics to help her out until the call eventually ends.
Amity then opens up to Luz about her concern for Willow, and Luz, extremely proud of Amity for learning to be more open and delighted to be the person she's open with, almost leans in to kiss her.
Realizing what she just almost did, an extremely flustered Luz awkwardly changes the topic and her and Amity watch TV until Camila comes home.
Luz reluctantly opens up to her mother about her day of school for the first time in a long time—and even though she doesn't tell her everything, it's a step in the right direction.
Since Luz has been bothered by a headache all day and isn't feeling too great, she heads to sleep early after some insistence from her mom and Amity, the latter of which tucks her in.
Back at the Owl House, Emira feels extremely drained and wants to sleep early—she still feels extremely guilty over what she did to Amity and feels like she isn't doing enough to help with the portal, and sleeping helps her get away from that.
There's an offhand mention of the twins not going to school at the moment.
Edric is cooking with Eda and looks happy, and Emira feels guilty over Eda being able to help her brother better than she is capable of.
Edric tries to get Emira involved in the conversation by telling a story she loves and asking her to finish it, but she doesn't feel up for it and when he keeps trying and makes a joke in an attempt to cheer her up, she snaps at him.
"He apologizes, and Emira immediately feels bad, thinking that if she can't be happy herself, she should at least be happy that he can. She is however unable to shake a feeling of jealousy over Edric's ability to open up to Eda while Emira only knows how to keep herself walled off for her own safety.
She apologizes, which Edric deflects with a joke in an attempt to lighten the mood, and the two share a moment of companionship before Emira offers to join him and the others for a board game, less out of any real desire herself than a feeling of responsibility for impacting his mood earlier.
Edric explains the game and asks King if he wants to play on Em's team, who is easily convinced once he hears of her "brutal" past board game endeavors.
Emira and King get along surprisingly well. Between the game and her favorite snacks (brought out courtesy of Edric), Emira ends the night feeling at least a little bit better than before.

"...and then we headed home. It was a pretty uneventful day," Amity concluded the quick summary she'd given to Luz's mom.

Amity was thankful for the less eventful school day—they'd been sitting at the back of most of today's classes by complete coincidence, so there had only been minimal scolding for Luz nodding off on her shoulder a few times. Other than the lingering remarks and whispers about them being a couple—which Luz napping on her had only encouraged—they'd been mostly left alone again.

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