Mirror Image 2

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Where we left off...
The chapter starts off with Amity and Camila. Luz, who is properly sick now, is sleeping with her head in Amity's lap, while Amity is summarizing the events of the day to Camila. With some encouragement from Camila, Amity talks about the non-classes parts of school (a thing no one at the manor ever wanted to hear about) for the first time.
Amity opens up about feeling guilty over Luz being sick, since it's likely that happened due to Luz getting soaking wet when they danced in the rain a couple days back.
Camila muses about how Luz has always been like that, and how she's mich like her father in that regard, and tells Amity that her husband died in a car accident when Luz was six.
Camila talks fondly of her husband for a bit before changing the topic to the next day, asking Amity if she would be willing to take care of Luz because Camila herself unfortunately has to go to work.
The conversation shifts into Amity rambling about her crush on Luz, and Camila reassures the girl she has her approval, and Amity hopes to maybe finally confess to Luz once she's feeling better. A misunderstanding leads to Camila believing Amity's parents are homophobic. Amity feels increasingly worse about lying to Camila so much.
Meanwhile, at the Owl House, a peaceful dinner is interrupted by King questioning why the twins are always matching. Both of them are disturbed over the fact that they've still been obeying their mom's wishes despite having left the manor.
When Eda leads the twins to the basement, Emira asks her brother to cast a spell to see in the dark on her and then proceeds to make a misplaced joke, pretending that the spell hurt her.
Edric is very upset by this, but with some help from Eda, the two of them talk it out.
The twins tease each other a bit once they've found a bunch of new clothes. Edric reveals that he needs glasses (he has contacts but can't wear them), and they make plans to shop for some the next day.
Additionally, plans are made to burn all the old clothes they no longer need the same evening.
While sorting through their clothes, Edric questions why they picked the same track. He remembers he was actually planning to go into the plant track as a child, but that he was pressured out of picking it by his father, since plants is one of the tracks neither of their parents think very highly of. So instead of going with what he actually wanted, he stuck with his sister.
He doesn't hate illusions, he's extremely good at it and it's familiar to him and he's unsure of what plant magic even means to him anymore, since he hadn't allowed himself to practice it in years. And even if he wanted to switch, it's too late now, and switching at their age considering how advanced the magic they're learning is would just be asking to fail... but Emira suggests asking the double track kids for help.
It would give them the opportunity to warm up to them as friends instead of instantly dropping the portal issue on their heads when they're still basically strangers, and it would give both of them the opportunity to try different kinds of magic.
Edric doesn't immediately agree, but he agrees to think about it.
Edric goes through all of his clothes very thoroughly while Em just dumps everything on the floor, and in the end Edric decides to keep none of his clothes except a gift from his little sister. Emira also keeps very few things.
The chapter ends with them going to change into some of their new clothes.

Emira and Edric gave each other a judgmental once-over.

The clothes they had picked for the evening couldn't have contrasted more, and Emira loved it. She hadn't felt this good about the way she looked in a long, long time.

"You know, I'm almost glad mom picked out clothes for us," Edric commented. "Sorry Em, but your style is terrible. I mean, teal? Really? That wouldn't go with my hair color at all," he said in mock horror, fully aware of the implication he was making.

Emira snorted, immediately shooting back.

"You're one to talk, Dress Shirt. Whose funeral are you attending?"

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