There Was Only One Bed (So We Had A Sleepover)

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Amity and Luz were back to sitting on Luz's bed now.

The human girl was glancing at Willow's plant absentmindedly, which was sitting directly on the window sill beside them, and that she hadn't even forgotten to water—she was immensely proud of herself for that— already missing her friends on the Boiling Isles and wondering what they were up to right now.

Amity on the other hand had immediately started changing the second they'd gotten back into the bedroom. She couldn't wait to get into some comfier clothes, and since the door of the room was closed, maybe she could even risk taking the beanie off. She liked how it looked, and she liked even more how it made Luz smile at her, but she was also getting really hot underneath, especially since Luz had turned up the heating in her room.

Amity changed into the pajama bottoms and folded her own pants neatly and then laid them down beside the bed.

"Here, let me just..." She tapped Luz's shoulder to get her to turn around to hand Luz back the shirt she had lent Amity. Luz did turn around—but then she froze and her eyes went wide, not even noticing that Amity was trying to give her something. "Uh, Luz...?"

Then Amity realized what her crush was staring at, and it hit the green-haired witch that she'd forgotten about the injury on her back that she hadn't bothered telling Luz about before.


Luz was frozen in shock for a few seconds before she managed to speak again.

"Amity, you... your back..." This looked bad. This looked really, really, really painful. 'Why didn't you say anything?'

"Oh. Right. That. I'd forgotten about that already because it barely hurts!"

Amity immediately put on the pajama top that Luz had lent her, but it was too late now. She'd already seen the injury.

When Amity looked up again, Luz's face had lost all of its color.

"It... it doesn't hurt?" Luz gulped. She felt sick. This was bad. This was terrible. "We have to take you to the hospital, immediately."

"I-" Amity cocked her head in confusion. "We have to what?" Why was Luz freaking out so much? She'd just said she wasn't hurting. That didn't make any sense. And what even was a hospital? "What I said was meant to calm you down. Why isn't it calming you down?"

Luz looked at Amity, her eyes filled with a combination of worry and absolute terror.

"If you're not feeling pain that means the burn is so bad your nerve ends are damaged."

The thought alone had the human girl shaking.

"...oops. I didn't know that." Amity smiled at Luz sheepishly and sighed. There was no use hiding it now, except if she wanted her friend to freak out even more. "Actually, it does hurt. A lot. I just... I didn't want you to be worried. I shouldn't even be here in the first place!" Everything was really starting to hit Amity now. She lowered her head and broke down sobbing. "I made everything so much more complicated! I got in the way of your alone time with your mom and intruded on your reunion after you hadn't seen each other in so long and then I ate half of your dinner and- I'm so sorry, Luz... I'm so sorry I messed everything up by coming after you."

"Amity..." Luz lifted her friend's face with her hands and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Please don't cry, okay? None of that is true, please don't say stuff like that." She hugged her friend carefully, making sure to embrace her shoulders rather than her back in order not to hurt her. "You didn't mess anything up. I'm actually... really happy I got to spend a bit more time with you. I'll have the next several months to spend time with my mom, and the thought of being separated from you terrified me... so that we have a bit more time to make some memories before we have to say goodbye for real makes me happy. I was... really worried about you today because you almost got hurt so many times, and now that I know you arehurt, I'm even more worried—but today has also been insanely fun, and I'm extremely happy that it happened. That I got to show you my home, and share my favorite food with you, and that you met my mom... and, I'm sorry, but you fighting my toothbrush earlier was the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

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