The Art Of Falling

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A/N: Before we get into this chapter, I'd like you all to take a minute to go through the earlier chapters again because a bunch of very talented people have volunteered to make art for this fic, and a lot had been added since I first posted the chapters! Also, someone is working on a podfic, the first three chapters of which are already done and available within their respective chapter!

Where we left off...

Luz is sick, but Camila unfortunately can't call out of work. Luz is very understanding, but her mother feels guilty for leaving, feeling like she's failing her daughter again.

Meanwhile Edric picks out glasses. He's feeling increasingly upset over not being able to help Emira, who isn't letting him in on the issues she has. After she broke down again the previous night, her walls immediately went back up, and she eventually manages to convince her brother into moving on without talking about the incident. He's concerned, but can't figure out a way to help her.

Eda helps Edric feel a little better about a pair of glasses he picks out and he ends up getting them.

Amity is taking care of a sick Luz when a message from the librarian reminds her that she was supposed to be reading to the library kids that day. She feels bad about forgetting among everything she'd had going on, and rushes to find a replacement. Since Willow and Gus are busy due to the Grudgby situation, she ends up biting the bullet and calling her brother.

After he breaks the ice, it... ends up going pretty okay, and Amity ends up realizing that maybe she does miss her siblings.
When she asks Edric to take her place at the library, he gets extremely anxious and insecure, which makes Amity realize that maybe she doesn't really know her brother that well.
After talking him up a bit, he agrees to step in for her, reminding her that he and Emira need to talk to her sometime before he leaves.

When Amity gets back to Luz, she's awake, and tells Amity what a good job she's been doing taking care of her. They end up flirting a bit, and when Luz asks Amity to read her a story, she can't resist. Luz falls asleep to the sound of her voice.

When she's out, Amity starts looking up healing spells, and eventually uses one on Luz when she feels ready.
Amity then proceeds to pass out on the bed.

Edric arrives at the library. It doesn't start that well, with him almost instantly pissing off one of the other employees. But meeting the kids goes pretty okay after he breaks the ice with a couple of jokes, and after a new addition joins the group, the reading session at the library seems to continue alright.

Meanwhile, Emira has a pretty good time helping Eda out at her human garbage stand.

Meanwhile, Emira has a pretty good time helping Eda out at her human garbage stand

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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