(Nothing) Changes

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A/N: So, first and foremost: I have a beta reader now! Isn't that exciting?

Say hi to tiredandjaded everyone!
She's been an absolute angel helping me with this chapter and I couldn't be more thrilled to have her, since aside from being the best beta I could ask for, she's also my favorite Owl House author, and I am super honored to be working with her :D
For everyone that enjoys reading about Eda learning to be a good mom for Luz, I absolutely recommend checking out her Make My Heart Your Home-Series on Ao3, I promise you won't regret it!
Jade, thank you so, so much for your massive help, you're absolutely incredible!

In other news:
Remember how I said I'm hoping the last chapter is going to be the longest of the story?
...yeah, so much for that lmao. This chapter is somehow even longer than the last one.
Have fun reading, but also make sure you have time to read since it will take a while XD

Also, I realized I'd forgotten to mention this in the A/Ns before because I'm apparently a freaking idiot, but I'd settled on an idea of how exactly magic works in the human realm before YBOS aired and contradicted that, and I'm sticking to my original version. I'm not looking for an explanation for this, this story is simply going to be canon-divergent in that aspect :D

Minor trigger warning for bullying and effects of bullying for this chapter and the next!

"What do you mean my mom said your sister called her?"

Amity shrugged, just as confused as Luz was.

"I don't know, but that's what she told me! She said my sister was going to send over my legal documents."

The two girls were sitting on Luz's bed once more, the door closed so that Camila couldn't hear them.

Luz was just staring and slowly shaking her head now, her mind racing a thousand miles a minute.

"But you don't even have legal documentation! None that would be accepted in this realm, anyway!"

This was scary. This was really, really freaking scary.

"And even if Ed and Em knew how to make a forgery—which they shouldn't, especially since they have no idea what this is actually supposed to look like," Amity didn't put general forgery beyond her siblings, but this would have required a lot more skill than the sick notes they faked occasionally, "Em's scroll wouldn't be able to call your mom's phone."

"Yeah, there's absolutely no way you'd be able to reach our landline with a magic scroll," Luz confirmed.

"So... who was that?" Amity whispered, glancing around the room as if to check for someone watching them. She glanced at the open curtains, pulling them closed as fast as she could with shaking hands, almost throwing the plant off the windowsill in the process. "Oh. Sorry, plant."

The two girls exchanged uneasy looks.

"Actually... you know what makes this even weirder?" Luz started, moving closer to Amity to ease her discomfort a little. "Your siblings called earlier. They said they wanted to talk to you about something... but I really doubt it was that."

Luz had been thinking about a way to talk to Amity about that call anyway, and this was as good a time as any to bring it up. Despite still not knowing what Edric and Emira had hinted at, it had seriously freaked Luz out, and keeping it from her friend didn't feel right to her.

Amity blinked.

"The twins called?"

Luz nodded.

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