chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke the next morning to Hermione shaking my shoulder." Mrs. Weasley, wants us downstairs, we will be leaving soon" I nodded sitting up and yawning. I changed my clothes then went downstairs, everyone was downstairs except Ron, Harry and Hermione. I grabbed a couple pieces of toast and some bacon, only to have it snatched by a golden blur, I glared at Goldie as she landed on the back of my chair." Can't you give me a break, just once let me eat my bacon without you stealing it" she cooed innocently and I glared at her.

" I know you gave me an apple but I was gonna eat that bacon" she cooed again as if to say' you snooze, you loose'." Having problems again, Haylee" Fred asked laughing.

" she took my bacon, she does this every time" Charlie laughed as he picked up another flapjack and put it on his plate." Dragons are the same way"

I rolled my eyes" I should be used to all the weird stuff that happens in my life"Ginny looked over and smiled." How many animals that are said to be dangerous haven't attacked you when their supposed to."

" let's see, thier was the hunkypunk last year, Goldie in my first year, a werewolf last year, and a giant snake in my second year, what's going it going to be this year" I asked as Harry and Ron stumbled down the stairs.

" if your lucky, it will be nothing" Mrs. Weasley told me as Mr. Weasly started talking to Harry about how we were traveling to out destination. I had my wand tucked in my satchel pocket were I always put it, when I wasn't wearing my school uniform. " Haylee, Dear, Are you alright" Mrs. Weasley asked and I looked up" what, sorry, I seem to space more these days" I told her and she smiled nodding.

" go and get you traveling bag, your leaving soon" I nodded and went upstairs to grab it, then ran back down, following the others out the door. I walked at the back of the group, just enjoying the scenery and the sounds of nature. We stopped and Mr. Weasley started talking to a guy in glasses who I heard was Mr. Diggory, the from the tree above us dropped none other then Cedric Deggory himself, seeker of the Hufflepuff team at Hogwarts. We walked up to the top of the hill where a boot was laying. Everyone grabbed ahold but Harry but he did at the last second.

Then we started spinning, I let go when he told us to and glidded to the ground somhiw not falling on my face like everyone else. Cedric, his dad and Mr. Weasly all walked down as if on a staircase." Very good, Haylee, have you ever used a port key before" I shook my head and he laughed. We went to our tent, which was small on the outside but huge on the inside. Later that evening, we climbed up to our seats in the stadium. I spotted Draco and waved. He waved back but then he noticed the Weasleys and I noticed his father and mother.

His mother waved to me and I nodded. Harry and the Weasleys spotted the Malfoys. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Mr. Malfoy started to tease Mr. Weasley but what made me mad was that Draco joined in. I went back to our tent, somehow without the others noticing, I heard footsteps outside the tent and I peaked, to find Draco pacing back and forth, running his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture.

" Draco, are you alright" I asked coming out of the tent, he spun around and smiled" Haylee, I saw you leaving the Stadium and I thought I'd follow you. Look, I'm sorry about the things I said"

" you promised, Draco, you promised you wouldn't make fun of them around me, I thought we were friends, I thought you didn't want to be your father"

" I don't, its just, I can't have him thinking, I don't hate Muggles or Muggle-borns"

" what about your mother"

" she likes you, I see your wearing the bracelet" he pointed out and I smiled" yeah, its pretty" I mumbled.

" I should go back, before my father comes looking" he told me and I nodded. He went back to the Stadium and I went back into the tent to take a nap. I woke to Ginny shaking me and I sat up as I heard screaming. " Death Eaters, Haylee we have to leave" my eyes widened and shot to my feet grabbing my backpack. I pulled out my wand and ran out of the tent, right behind Ginny. Fred and George ran off with her. Percy, Bill, Charlie, and Mr. Weasley ran off to help the Ministry. Harry, Ron and Hermione sent towards the woods leaving me alone.

" guess, I'm testing one of theories early" I mumbled as a Death Eater appeared around of the tents. I pointed my wand at him and he chuckled" you can't use magic, your not of Age"

I smirked" thought to be dead for 11 years, bet the trace doesnt work" his eyes narrowed and he aimed his wand at me. " Reduto" I yelled but he blocked it with Protego. We shot spells back and forth but I managed to disarm him only to be hit from behind by a stunning spell. I fell to the ground and my world started going black but I heard someone say.

" we should end her, here and now"

" no, its the Potter girl, the Dark lord needs her to return, her time will come soon enough" then the voices faded out.

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant