chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I stood off to the side as they interrogated harry but I wasn't really paying attention because the ringing in my ears was back and it had brought light headedness with it so I was trying very hard not to pass out. Snape noticed me rubbing my head and frowned. I sat down on a chair in the corner and closed my eyes. The ringing stopped but I was still light headed. Dumbledore came over to me frowning." Miss Potter are you alright".

I nodded" just a headache" I mumbled.

" then why don't you go see madame pomfery " I nodded and went to get up but I found myself face planting on the floor and my vision going black.

Flashes filled my head but at first they went to fast for me but they slowed down to where could see them.

" its time" a voice said but it sounded like four voices at once. I looked around in confusion " time for what, who are you" the area around me lit up with a bright light blinding me, I screamed as it became to much. When it cleared, I was standing in a bed room, a crib sat near the far wall with a red headed moment sitting next to it. My eyes widened when I recognized her, she was my mother.

Inside the crib were babies, a girl and a boy, me and Harry.

" its going to be okay, Mommy loves you Harry, Mommy loves you Haylee, its okay. I know you'll remember me Haylee and I need you to watch over your brother until the time comes but I have a feeling you'll be separated, so I'm sorry I have to do this" from her pocket she pulled her wand and pointed it at the little girl and mumbled with tears in her eyes.

" oblivate" there was a flash of light and the little girl blinked at her. Then she started humming, the lullaby just as the door was blasted open. I was yanked from the memory with a flash of bright light in my eyes.

" Haylee Potter, decindant of Hanna travelle, it is time for you to fufil your part as decendant of Fidas"

Then I woke up.

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now