chapter 1

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Chapter 1


" How much longer must we wait, My lord, the girl is within our reach" a horce and squeaky voice asked.

" Soon, Wormtail, Soon, The girl is only just coming into her abilities and soon she will realize what it is I need from her and why she was chosen"

" she will be starting her 4th year at Hogwarts along with the boy?"

" indeed, Wormtail but we must be careful not to reveal it just yet, for she is watching and listening right now. Isn't that right Haylee dear" then there was flash of green light and I sat up.

(Dream end)

I sat up and looked around to find myself back in my room at Spinner's end in Cokeworth. I had been living here for almost 2 summers, the rest of the year I spent at a school known as Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, yes I said witchcraft and wizardry. When I was 11 I got the letter and have gone ever since, for I am a witch but I do not live in this house alone.

I live with my Godfather, Severus Snape, Potions master at Hogwarts and head of Slytherin house. The school has four houses but I found out that it used to have five but no one but me, My brother and his friends, Severus and Headmaster Dumbledore know of its existence, Why? Because the Founder died years after Hogwarts was built but only the hier of the fifth house can bring the house back to the light, who is Hier? Well that's me. Haylee Lily Potter/ Walters, I was raised by Muggles ( non-magic folk )from the time I was a year old but in my second year, they were murdered, my real Parents were killed by a dark and very powerful wizard named Voldemort as he likes to be called.

People are afraid to speak his name but not me or my brother, who survived that night with nothing but scars but I wasn't meant to die that night, but anyway. I sat up and got dressed then went downstairs, just in time to hear a crash from the kitchen. I walked in and burst out laughing. Snape was covered in frosting and flour, with his wand out and a cook book in his hand." What are you doing" I asked and he frowned.

" trying to make a cake for your birthday, I wanted to do something special for your 14th but sadly it seems I'm failing" I rolled my eyes.

" can I help" he nodded and I quickly figured out what he was doing wrong, just as Hedwig, Ron's owl Pig flew in with hermione's cat Crashanks, all carrying letters and wrapped packages. Right behind them was Draco's eagle owl, Bubo bubo. They dropped the packages on the counter and Goldie landed with what looked like a freshly picked apple from in her beak.

" aww, thanks Goldie, " I told her taking the apple from her. She cooed then flew off, the next to leap forward was crashanks, who had a letter tied to her Collar. I opened and smiled.

Dear Haylee
To send Crashanks back just tell her to and she'll listen, she's a very
smart cat. I sent my present with Ron and Harry's. Are you going to
Quidditch world cup, if you are see you there if not, I hope you had a
very nice Summer and hope to see you back at Hogwarts.

I grabbed the wrapped package from Hedwig and opened it after telling the cat she could go back to Hermione. Inside was black note book with silver designs and purple diamonds. My eyes widened as I opened it, written on the first page was ' Happy Birthday, Haylee. I saw this and though you might like it as a diary and I promise this one doesnt have an evil memory in it" it was signed Hermione.

Harry had sent me a chocolate frog and Ron had sent me some of his mums fudge in a box, which I shared with Snape, who happily took it over our horribly Made cake with purple frosting. Last was Draco's who had sent me, a bracelet with two charms (above) and a letter.

Dear Haylee
I heard about something called a charm bracelet so I thought
I'd get you one. The lily is obviously because of your mother
and your name. The owel is because of your Patronus and
because you like owls. Happy birthday, Haylee.

P.S it was also My mums idea, unlike dad, she likes you

I slipped the bracelet on my wrist, and Snape gave me his present. I opened it to find a book called seeing the unseen: a guide for seer beginners. I looked at Snape and he shrugged." Its either this book or asking Professor Trelawney about being a seer." He told me and I nodded.

" if I start acting crazy like she does, hit me upside the head" I told him and he chuckled. I went upstairs to my room and put the book safely in my luggage with the rest of my books.

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