chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I was surrounded by a blinding light then I saw her. She had long flame red hair, sparkling green eyes and the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. " Mum" I gasped and she opened her arms for me. I ran forward and hugged her, tears falling down my cheeks. Then a man who looked like harry appeared, but his eyes were different." Its not your time, Haylee, go back, your brother needs you"

" you mean I'm not dead" they smiled

" no Haylee your still alive but your fading," my mother told me

" what happened to me"

" you fell down the stairs on the way to the common room, the pain was to much and you lost your balance, now you need to go back but remember, I'm so proud of you, my little Haylee" then everything started fading away.

" when the time comes, we will see each other again." They told me before everything went black again.

When I came to, I couldn't open my eyes or move but I could hear voices near me.

" Harry, we need to go, its almost curfew and Haylee wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of her"

" no, Hermione, I have to stay with her, she would do the same for me"i felt him hold my hand." Please, come back, Haylee, I need you, your the part of me that makes everyday brighter, you show loyalty, wisdom, courage and the ambition I dont but you give everyone hope with every breath you take, so please come back" I felt him last go of my hand and heard him walk away, only to be replaced by two hands on both sides of me.

" Haylee, if you can hear us, please wake up, because Fred has to tell you something and its sure to make you smile"George if only I could I wanted to say but I couldnt so I listened.

" if you wake up soon, we promise we won't prank Malfoy for a week" Fred told me, which made me want to roll my eyes. Then they left and the hand was replaced by another one." Haylee, your my best friend and if I could anything to make you wake up, I would. Oh, Merlin, Wake up Haylee, Ive tried to not be my father but if you leave us, I'm sure to turn into him" he yelled.

" Mr. Malfoy, perhaps you should go" I heard Madme Pomfery told him and he left." You have a lot of friends in this school, Miss Potter and if you leave them, everyone will suffer. The staff think your Hogwarts best student and everyone wants to be your friend. You've changed Professor Snape, brought him out of his shell, so please wake up or he'll just go back in" then she walked off.

I had to open my eyes but it was hard, everything was numb but that was probably a potion or something they had given me, then as if by magic, My eyes slowly opened. I looked around to myself alone, I sat up and spotted the candy and cards. My wand sat on the table next to me with my glasses, which I had started to wear more. My leg was in a cast, I felt the bandages on my head and my arm was in a sling, let's just say, I looked like I had gotten hit by a car.

" its about time" I looked over saw Madame Pomfery standing there smiling." How long" I asked and she sighed" the other schools will be arriving in a week." I nodded

" you'll be able to leave in three days, so get some rest, Miss Potter and you gave everyone quite a scare with that fall you took"she walked away and I laid down falling asleep.

Three days later, I left the hospital wing on crutches, with Help from Fred." I heard what you and George said, what is it you wanted to tell me"

" oh, its not important right now" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. He helped me into the common room and over to the couches.

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora