chapter 7

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Chapter 7


" according to our spy at Hogwarts, the girl knows of her abilities but they haven't appeared just yet" a voice hissed

" won't be much longer, perhaps the end of the school year"

" she's watching again, My lord"

(Dream end)

There was a flash of green and I sat up holding my neck where the crescent shaped scar was, it was burning again. I looked outside to see that the sun was starting to rise, so I got dressed and snunk down to the lake. I sat down and closed my eyes." OK, I did once, I can do it again" I mumbled. I imagined myself turning into an owl and then I was. I had been practicing with McGonagall and she said I had a true talent.

I flew over the castle, then into the great hall as everyone was coming in for breakfast. I noticed Headmaster Dumbledore watching me and I flew over to him. He chuckled" you've gotten better, Miss Potter" I cooed in response.

" you make a very a good owl" I flew towards the doors of the great hall but I lost concentration and ended up doing a face plant into the doors. I turned back to my normal form rubbing my head." Are you alright Haylee" I looked up to see Fred and George. I nodded as they helped me up." I think you need more practice, Haylee, because I don't think owls are supposed to face plant into doors" I stuck my tongue out at him like I was a two year old which just made them laugh.

Corinth, Leah and Fefe ran up to me and Fred and George walked off. We went down to the lake, where I showed them how to use the Patronus charm. Corinth picked it up first try, which made us all laugh. Her Patronus was a Dolphin, next was Leah's which turned out to be a dove and last was Fefe's which wasn't surprising it just made us all laugh, it was a unicorn.

" thanks for teaching us, Haylee" Corinth squealed hugging me, her hair turning turning a light blue and her eyes going yellow. " your welcome, just keep ahold of that happy memory and you'll be able conjure a Patronus at anytime." Then I thought of something.

" what is your happy memory, if you don't mid me asking" they looked at each other and smiled.

" the day I was adopted by Dumbledore" Fefe told me me smiling

" the day we were sorted into our houses" Corinth said and we gave her confused looks but shrugged." The day we all became friends" Leah told us and we smiled, then they all looked at me and I looked at my hands.

" the day I found out I was adopted, my parents took me out for ice cream and they told me, but its also a sad memory, because I knew that I would never really be thier daughter" I mumbled and they nodded. We went back up to the castle and went to our first classes.

A couple hours later, I was standing in DADA watching everyone go through the Imperius Curse. Hermione was standing next to me, I could feel her watching me so I mumbled" this bring back bad memories" she gave me a sad look but I ignored her. " Potter, your next"

"Which one" me and Harry asked at the same time, making the whole class chuckle. Moody rolled his eye" Mr. Potter, your next" Harry stepped forward and Moody pointed his wand at him." Imperio "Moody muttered then told him to jump on the desk. You could see Harry fighting it and in the end he won but Moody made him do it a few more times before it didn't even faze him.

" Miss Potter your next" I sighed before walking past Harry. He pointed his wand at me and muttered the spell again. I heard a voice in the back of my head telling me to stand on one foot and cluck like a chicken but I heard a voice telling me not to so i listen to the voice and mumbled" no" everyone gasped. " Very good, Miss potter, you did better then your brother, you see that's how its done" he dismissed us and we left the class room. Harry stopped me in the hallway" Haylee, are you alright"

" I'm fine, Harry, it just brings back memories, I wish I could forget" he hugged me but I pulled away and walked off to the trophy room. I had another free period, so no one would come looking for me. I stopped infront of the tropphy case with Tom Riddle's award." You can't let it hold you back, Miss Potter" I jumped and spun around to find Dumbledore.

" I didn't see you there, Headmaster, you scared me"

" why do you let his memory, hold you back, Miss potter"I looked back at the award and sighed" it scares me, by being Related to Hanna it also connects me to him and what if I turn out that way?"

" do you remember what I told your brother in your second year, Miss potter" I nodded

" While you and Harry are much like Voldemort you show one thing he can't, you show love and that is greater then any curse"

" I know but, it still makes me wonder"

" your so much like your mother, but you have your father's Heart, remember that Haylee, you are all the things your brother isn't but you have something he doesn't, you just haven't found it yet" then Dumbledore walked off and I sighed closing my eyes.

I walked off to the common room but I didn't make it that far before a pain shot through my scar worse then ever before." No, not now" I mumbled stumbling down the hallway, holding my neck. I closed my eyes and tried to block him out and it worked but it only lessened the pain. I was almost to the common room when I fell, my life flashed before my eyes as I fell backwards down the stairs. Then everything went black but the last thing I heard was my brother's voice telling one thing." Haylee"

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now