chapter 4

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Chapter 4

" Haylee, are you sure your alright" Ginny said as I pulled my suitcase down the stairs of the Burrow. Snape sat awkwardly in the living room waiting for me. After I had woken up at the Quidditch world cup, They had told me someone had set off the dark mark and that they had contacted Severus so I was going home. " I'm fine, Ginny, I'm just happy my theory worked".

She sighed shaking her head." I guess there was a bright side, the trace doesnt work on you, but if it did you wouldn't be going back to Hogwarts" Harry stopped me by pulling me into a hug." I'll see you at Hogwarts, little sister"

" you too" I walked over to Severus and he nodded. " come Haylee, let us go home" we used the fire place to return to Spinners end after I said goodbye and thank you to the Weasleys for letting me come. Once we were in the living room he pulled me into a hug." You took a big risk at the world cup but I'm glad your alright, Haylee"

" I'm sorry" I mumbled

" if they had taken you away from me, like they did your mother, I wouldn't have been able to take it, I don't know what I would have done."

" I know" I mumbled again

" but I'm just glad your safe" I nodded, then went upstairs but he stopped me again" Dumbledore has agreed and your using the Floor network to get to Hogwarts"I looked at him in confusion.

" if The Dark Lord's forces are growing again, you need to be protected, if he he rises again, he'll come after you. Unlike your Brother, you don't have a protection on you anymore so, the only thing in his way is Dumbledore." I nodded then went upstairs.

The next day, I dressed in my Hogwarts uniform, then followed him into the fire place. We appeared in Dumbledore's office and he greeted us." Welcome back, Miss Potter"

" thank you, Headmaster" I nodded, then I spotted Fefe behind him and we greeted each other with smiles. " why don't you and Felicity get settled in the common room, the feast will begin in a few hours" I pulled my luggage out of the office and followed Fefe to the common room but we didn't go in. I waved my wand and they disappeared, then we went down to the lake, to talk about our Summers.

Then we went to the great hall, where everyone was filling in. We sat next to Fred and George, who tried to give Fefe two of thier' special candies but I quickly told her what they did and she shot glares at them. Once the first years were sorted, the food appeared. I didn't eat much, having a bad feeling about this year. The food disappeared and Dumbledore stood back up. He told us about the list of items that could be viewed in Filtch's office, then he told us that there be no Quidditch this year at Hogwarts because of an event that was taking place in October. Lighting flashed and a man with a robotic blue eye, a peg leg and a scar across his face appeared.

The man sat down after shaking Dumbledore's hand in the empty chair where the DADA teacher usually sat and Dumbledore introduced him as Professor Moody, the new DADA teacher this year. His eye bright blue eye seem to stare at me but then flicker away, and I had the feeling of being watched. Dumbledore explained that the Triwizard tournament was going to be held this year at Hogwarts.

" I have a bad feeling" I told Fred and George as Dumbledore told us that other schools would be joining us this year and that no one under 17 could participate. This made everyone throw a fit but I just smiled, at least harry wouldn't get hurt this year but I had a feeling something was about to go really wrong. We left the great hall, everyone was still angry about the age limit but I didn't care. When no one was looking, I slipped around a corner in the direction of the room of requirement. I looked around making sure no had followed before I slipped inside. Hanna looked at me and smilied" welcome back, Haylee Potter"

" Hello, Hanna " she smiled and nodded. I sat on one of the couches" what do I do, Hanna"

" you carry on, You help your brother deafeat Voldemort"

" but what happens to me"

" that's your choice, even I cant see it."

" thanks, Hanna, I have to go before I get caught by Filtch" she nodded and I left the room of requirement. I got back to the Common room without getting caught.

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now