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"That night, the days I had known you disappeared, and I no longer knew the person that was lying beside me."


Katherine's POV

"I- I um" I broke the silence, "I actually also wanted to talk with you too." I tried to look away from his eyes because I knew even if I get caught up in those eyes, I'd fall for him again. I'd see the good in him again. But after this letter that I had in my pockets, I had to ignore the part of me that felt for him.

"So... talk," he said. 

"Have you been crying?" I asked, noticing the red puffed-up eyes and the dried up tear under his right eye. 

"What?" he seemed surprised. His hands went up to the dry tears and he wiped them away, trying to hide them from me. "No," he said.

"Are you sure?" 


"Well-" I said taking out the letter in my pocket, "Here. I think this was meant to be for you." I handed it to him and he grabbed it. His hands slowly opened the note and he read it for himself.

"Katherine-" he started talking. 

"No-" I cut him off, "Listen to me first." 

He shook his head, agreeing with me. 

"I trusted in us, Draco. But now, I feel like I am waiting for something that's never going to happen. You lied to me. You used me." I tried to keep myself calm, "I thought whatever was happening between us, the chemistry, I thought it was real. In my brain, we were living in a story but it was only my story. Your story was a lie." 

"That's not-"

"I'm not done." I cut him off, "The night I learned about how you knew what I was, I didn't even question you. I didn't want to. Instead, I chose to trust you. But now I learned that trusting you brings me nowhere. I learned that trusting you brought me pain. Why? Why Draco? Why did you do this?" 

I couldn't help the fresh tears forming and sprinting down my cheeks. 

"I can't give us a second chance- because I doubt I can ever trust you again. So I just have one question. Why did you ruin this?"

"Katherine, I was going to tell you," he said after staying muted for few seconds.

"That's what they all say."

"No- I was seriously planning on how to tell you," he admitted.

"When? When hm? When were you planning to tell me that you were using me for this vampire mission you guys have? God knows what project it is. Maybe the project is to kill me and you are doing nothing but plotting my death." I let every thought I had in my head slip out of my mouth without doubting anything. 

"No!" his voice got louder, "I would never plot your death." 

"Then what is this about?" I asked, pointing to the paper he was holding in his hand.

"It's not about you." he looked down. 

"I don't understand you. Or let me correct that- I can't understand you. I try so hard to see the good in you because I don't want to feel this indescribable and undefined feeling towards a bad person. An evil person. But I just can't comprehend this in my-" he cut me off.

"You can never understand me because you will never be me. And without being literally in my shoes you will never know the pain I go through every day," he spoke. 

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