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"The monsters in my head always knew I'd lose you in the end."


Draco Malfoy's POV

After Katherine went away to wherever she went, I decided to check up on her friends and learn their plans for the war that was going to take place soon. 

When I entered the library, it seemed that all of them were dived into deep thoughts. 

"Why are you here?" Damon asked with rage, instantly jumping out of his chair. 

"Just- Just checking in?" I didn't know how to reply to such a question, "You're forgetting that I hate this war as much as you do, and maybe more." 

"Did you see Katherine?" Caroline popped into the talk, trying to decrease the tension flying through the air.

"Yes- I did."

"Did- did she tell you where she- where she was going?" Caroline hesitantly asked.

"Why? Is something bad going to happen to her?" I asked, worrying due to the tone of voice Caroline used and her hands shaking.

"No- no- no- that's not what I was aiming for- I was just-" Halfway through her sentence, she noticed how not trustful she sounded and she put a stop to her words. 

"Where did she go?" I questioned them.

I should have known it.
I should have known she was going to a dangerous path when she didn't tell me her destination.

But I was foolish enough to set her off.

Maybe- maybe she would die. And I would never stop blaming myself.

I would never survive her death.

"Caroline-" I walked closer to her, "Where? Is? Katherine?" I made myself more clear.

Caroline gulped and looked away from my eyesight. I cupped her chin and turned her towards me again. "Where is she, Caroline?! Answer me!" 

"Do not touch her!" Damon shouted and pulled me back my holding my shoulder, making me bump into the aisle of books behind me. 

He, then, started coming closer to me. I noticed his hand turning into a fist. So I took action first. I struck first.  

I punched Damon Salvatore.

Though I knew it was a bad idea to start a fight with a vampire, it oddly felt amazing. 

Caroline gasped.

Stefan had his hand over his mouth. 

Damon stood up and gave out a devilish bitter laugh. 

Then he punched me. 


He healed, yes he did, but I did not. Blood came out from my nose and my lips. While Damon had no injury on him. 

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