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"I talked to the stars last night, they told me not to worry."


Draco Malfoy's P.O.V 
{ the night before }

After I had learned that the Ravenclaw girls last name was Moon, I immediately left the library. I ran through the hallways, reaching the Slytherin common room as I loosened my suit buttons to help me breath in easily. 

I had to see my parents. And I had to see them now.

I finally had a reason to make them proud. And I couldn't wait any more to talk to them about it. 

The next morning, in the early morning before any soul was out of bed, I went to see Dumbledore. I told him that I had an emergency family problem that I had to solve.

Which was partially a lie knowing I was going to be the one causing the problem. 

But I didn't care. 

After a minute of convincing and fake begging, he excused me from school for one day. Which was enough for me, I suppose. Without waiting for any other second I used a portkey and found myself collapsing right in front of the Malfoy Manor. 

My head was dizzy and my stomach was ill. I hated these portkeys. But I had no choice. 

I slowly started approaching closer to the door as I gulped and my hands started shaking.

My own house scared me. 

I knocked on the door and before hearing a response, I peeked in and fully opened it after playing with the knob. 

The sound of fire flickers came in from the living room. The whole house was so big and for what? We were only 3 people with one handmaiden, why did it have to be so unnecessarily large? 

I often found myself lost in here.  

"Draco?" my mother came down the stairs, "Oh my- Draco." she finally realized I was real instead of a hallucination. 

My mother was my real family. I didn't exactly count my father as one. 

She rushed down the stairs and hugged me. Until this day of my life, no other girls hug comforted me as my mothers did. I found no other girl as meaningful as my mom.  

They were all just a enthusiasm for one day, and the other day they were gone. 

"Hi mum." I spoke and hugged her back.

"Is everything alright? Are you alright? Did something happen?" She concerningly asked. 

"I'm fine mum. I need to talk with you and dad. It's important. It's about them." I already guessed she knew what I was talking about due to her eyes getting bigger and more worried. 

In a more serious tone, "I'll call your father- he'll be here in 10 minutes." 

My mom usually spent her time alone in the manor without my dad. He only came during the nights. God knew what he was doing out the whole day. And when me or my mother questioned him, he did nothing but tell us how it was none of our business. 

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