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"Two damaged souls, trying to heal each other, is called love." 


Katherine's POV 

When I woke up from my sleep, I felt fingers locked in mine. I leisurely opened my eyes and saw Damon's watery eyes in front of me. I closed my eyes again and opened them again with the hope of seeing Draco behind him.

He wasn't here. 

"Damon?" I slowly stood up, he let go of my hand and stared at me. His look was full of guilt and shame. "Is that really you? Or am I hallucinating again?" 

"It's me." He dryly said. 

"Where is everyone else?" I questioned. 


"What?" I jumped out of my seat, panting, gasping for breath, "Is- Is Draco- with them? Is everyone else safe?" 

"I don't know."

"What are we doing here? We need to go! We- We need to help them!" 

"You can't. You are too weak." 

"No- No- No- I can't stay here and do nothing. I need to- I need to go help them!"

There was a silence that felt like forever.
I stood up from the bed, trying to walk out but Damon's arms held me back, "You can't go!" He shouted.

I flinched.

"I'm going. Either you come with me- or you stay here." I spoke, determined. 

"Katherine, you can't go anywhere." he paused, "Draco also wouldn't want you to go anywhere as well. He wouldn't want you in danger."

He used Draco to make my choices.
But it wasn't going to work this time. 

"Damon- I- I- need to help my- my friends. I need to. I need to be there for them and help them. Or else- Or else- if any of them-" I took a long breath, "If any of them die, I'll blame it on myself." 

"Don't you dare say that!" Damon spat with rage, "You can't and won't blame yourself for anything, you've been already through so much."

I stayed silent. 

Damon gently placed her hand on my cheekbones and started rubbing it with his thumb, "You have no idea how much I was worried for you." He then tucked my hair behind my ear, "And how many times I thought of you dead. What would I do if you were gone forever, Katherine."

I put my hand on top of his and talked.

"I'm not dead. I'm here." I comforted him. 

He flinched when my touch reached his and he backed away from me. He started to walk back and forth in my dorm while deeply thinking about how to win this war with victory.

Yes, the vampires were strong. But Voldemort had something too powerful in his hand that made us look weak.
We just didn't know what it was, or who it was. 

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