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"If we had met later in life. Maybe then, we could have been mature enough for feelings as deep and real as ours were."


Katherine's POV 

Draco first looked around to check on Blaise while Blaise was wiping away the blood on his nose with a napkin. Malfoy, somewhat, gave him an apologizing smile. He then, turned around to me and held my hand. 

I could feel a tear forming in my eye and as much as I tried to hold it in, it poured down onto my cheek. 

Draco, noticing my tear, he doubtedly wiped it away using his left thumb. 

Leaving me, and everyone else in the room, truly speechless.

Holding my hand tighter, he walked us out of the party and we went into his room. He closed the door behind him and made sure it was locked. 

"Don't you have a roommate?" I asked noticing there was only bed, green themed, with an empty desk right in front of it, only couple books stood on top. There was a window but the black curtain closed it. And a small door in the corner opened up into the bathroom. Right next to the door, there was a black leather coach wide enough for someone to lay on it.


The room was so hot, but we were cold. 

Me and Draco were like parallel lines. Always together but never close. 

"So-" I said taking a seat on the couch, "Thank you." 

"It wasn't anything." he pulled his chair back and sat there.

"Dr- Malfoy-" I started speaking, his head turned towards me, "What happened last night?" 

He stayed muted for a while, debating on how to answer my question. "Nothing." was his very clever answer.

"Why did you feed me the potion?" I asked, waiting for answers.


"That wasn't an accident Malfoy-" he cut me off.

"You know nothing Katherine!" his voice got louder and he suddenly stood up from his seat, kicking his chair, "You. Know. Nothing." 

"Then tell me." Even though I made sure my voice was normal, I also stood up from the couch and approached closer to Draco. "Tell me the things I don't know."

"I'm a- I'm a paradox Katherine." he started getting more serious. Serious as in he was about to open up. He was about to let out his feelings-

-to me.

Why me? 

Was he sincere about all this?

Or was he playing around with me as if I'm a toy for him?

What is in your cunning mind Malfoy?

"You're a what?" I asked, after a moment of silence. 

"I- I want to happy but there are so many things that are making me sad! I am lazy but yet I am ambitious! I- I hate myself!" he started getting louder, the anger in his eyes widened, the feeling deep down in my heart that I couldn't yet name heightened as he spoke, "But I also love- love myself!" 

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