Chapter 10

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*6:00 pm*

All day we were at the beach and in the pool. Touring the resort and touring Spain. Me and bsf/n went to shower and then we got back and watched  TV. Now here we are. Both STARVING.

Y/n: Why aren't we eating yet?

My stomach grumbles loudly

bsf: i don't know! Did they like forget?

I was growing impatient and went to go ask. I trudged through the hallway looking for a teacher. They usually hang around the lobby so I took the elevator down.

When I reached the floor, I walked out and down to the lobby, and yet enough, there stood Mr Josephson.

Y/n: Excuse me? Mr Josephson?

He turned around and waved.

Mr Josephson: y/n! What brings you down here?

I stop and stare at him. My stomach growls again.

Y/n: When are we eating dinner?

He seems to kind of chuckle, and then looks back at me.

Mr Josephson: Well first off, they call it 'La Cena' here. Second of all, they eat between the hours of 9-12. We'll probably eat at around 9:30 at the Arzak.

My jaw drops. Why do they eat so insanely late here!??! I try to sound calm but get angry.

Y/n: Okay then what are we supposed to do if we're hungry right now??

Mr Josephson: They have little food bars at the beach area. You can grab a snack or a drink there. But no alcohol.

I sigh and nod as I walk back up to my room. I forgot how much getting used to this would take.

I make it back up to me and bsf/n room and slam the door behind me.

bsf: oh no

She can tell I'm not happy

Y/n: We literally eat at 9:30. They eat dinner late here.

Her jaw drops and she slams her face into the bed.

Y/n: We have to go to the beach food stands if we want to eat.

She lifts her head and sits up right on her bed.

bsf: This is a joke.

I fall onto my bed.

bsf: but I don't wanna spend my money on food

Y/n: I mean we can wait but it'll be over three hours

She sighs really loud and stands up.

bsf: I'm not waiting that long. Let's go.

I stand up too and follow her. When bsf/n gets upset, you do everything she says.

We stand in line at the food buses and look at the menu.

Y/n: What are we supposed to order!?

bsf: I don't know!? What does any of this even mean?

Y/n: I don't know!!

Suddenly, a boy walks by us with a plate of food that looks pretty good. I couldn't see his face but he seemed familiar. Now bsf/n being the dumb bitch she is, walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

bsf: hey sir? Where'd you get that food? We're her on a trip and don't know what to order, but we like what you got.

The boy turns around and he glances at me.

It was Louis.

school trip | louis partridge x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now