Chapter 1

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(One last warning before you start this book: it's horrible and it's my worst story which confusingly did the best which makes no sense. Okay enjoy😊)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 5:30 am and started getting ready for school. Unlike most people, my school starts VERY early. 6:15 to be exact. Why? I don't know ask the idiots who decided to put kids through that torture.

After eating breakfast and packing my school bag, my Mom drove me to school. We don't live very far... only about 10 minutes from it.

When we arrive I grab my things and walk inside the school. We have to wear these fancy ol' uniforms and I hate it. I feel like an idiot walking in everyday. I head to my homeroom class and sit down next to my best friend. Her name is bsf/n and I've known her since we were like 2

bsf: Hey y/n

Y/n: Hi

I throw my bag down next to me and rub my eyes.

y/n: it's too frickin early for this shit

bsf: i know, but today's and easy day, their just talking about the trip in every class and what to bring

Our class is going on a school trip to some place in Spain. Now don't get me wrong, I am excited but we have to get up at like 1 in the morning to get on the school bus to the airport. And I already struggle to wake up at 5:30!

y/n: yeah I guess... but I still want to go back to bed.

bsf/n nods and rests her head on the desk. Then Mr Josephson wakes everyone up with his loud and pounding voice.

Mr. Josephson: GOOD MORNING CLASS!! Are you all ready to talk about the trip tomorrow?!

No one speaks. Instead we all stare at him like he's a maniac because he kind is. Mr Josephson sits down and stares at us.

Mr. Josephson: Today you will be divided into classes. These are the people you will ride the bus and plane with. There will be other people on the plane so it is important to not get lost and stick together! Does everything make sense so far?

No one speaks. You all just give him lifeless stares.

Mr. Josephson: Perfect. Okay! If I call your name, you are in Mrs. Neisen's class! Josh, Kayla, Mason, Hunter...

As Mr. Josephson rambles on I stare at my nails. The polish I had painted on last night had already started chipping off. Mr. Josephson moves on.

Mr. Josephson: Next is Mr Tripplets class, if you hear your name right it down! Sheri, Lucy, Kyle, James...

My name still hasn't been called but someone else's has

bsf: nooo I'm in this one :(

Y/n: I wasn't listening, am I?

bsf: no that's why I'm upset

I sigh. bsf/n is the only person I wanted to be with on the plane. Now this trip really is gonna suck.

Mr Josephson: Now it's me! If you hear your name you are with me. Zoe, Clara, y/n, Wyatt...

I sat up straight when I heard my name and I quickly pulled out a sheet of paper. Mr. Josephson. Really? Him? Out of all the teachers? I roll my eyes and shove the paper in my pocket.

Once he finishes saying all of our names, we are dismissed and told to walk to the classroom that we were put in. I stay in place. There's about 5 other kids with me in the room. We have the smallest group.

Mr Josephson: Alright you guys! This is a good group. So I have some bad news to break to you... we have the earliest plane, so we will need to be at the bus by 12:55 am.


Mr Josephson: But because of that, we get to take the coach bus. So let's go over that real quick. You guys are gonna need to drive up to the cities and get out at bus stop #7 okay? There will be other students from different going to Spain too so you can make new friends if you'd like.

Ha! He really thought I was about to socialize on this trip! Heck to the naw.

Mr Josephson: When we arrive at the plane station, STICK TOGETHER. Everyone will have a neon orange shirt so we can identify one another.

Are you kidding? Neon orange. Why not like blue or just white or black? It's like they're trying to embarrass us.

Mr Josephson goes on for the entire day talking to us about EVERYTHING for the trip. Sure we didn't do work but my god it was annoying.

School finally let out and the second I got home I flopped on my bed and fell asleep. It was 2:20 and there was only around 9 hours before I had to wake up again. Great.

(Y'all I promise Louis comes into the story vv soon.)

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