Chapter 2

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That evening, I was having dinner with my Mom and two younger brothers. We are at 4:30 because I was going to bed at 5:30. I needed at least SOME sleep for the trip tomorrow.

Mom: Do you have an extra pair of clothes?

Y/n: Yes

Mom: Did you pack your meds?

Y/n: Yes

Mom had been going on all night of things I need to remember, but honestly it's getting annoying.

Mom: Did you bring tampons and pads

I choke on my food

Y/n: MOM!

Mom: What?

Parents really need to understand privacy. Especially at the dinner table.

Y/n: They don't need to know about any of that yet

I open my eyes wide open and look at my brothers. Mom sighs and eats more food.

Mom: I know I know... this is just scary for me. You'll be gone for 2 weeks!

Y/n: If you think this is hard your really gonna struggle when I go to college.

I wipe my face with a napkin and put my plate in the sink.

Y/n: I am going to bed now. I packed EVERYTHING and it'll be fine.

Mom nods and smiles

Mom: Okay then! Set an alarm for-

Y/n: 11:50 pm. I know.

Mom nods and starts doing the dishes.

Mom: Okay good night!

Y/n: Good night

I walk upstairs and shut my door. The sun was starting to set, and I closed the curtains. I brushed my teeth and changed into pajamas and then I went to sleep, awaiting the trip the next morning.

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