Chapter 4: Ever heard of...

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HELLLLLOOO MY MUFFFFINNss, how y'all doinnng, I hope y'all good, now enjoy ☺️, the song is just for y'all to listen to

"So Y/n, ever thought about how your future would be like?" Caleb asked (Butler) he was wearing a black coat on and a white tie, he was blonde and had dark hazel eyes and he was 2 years older then myself, we where swimming around the castle in a slow matter

"Not really, I'm more the 'what's happening right now' kinda gal or the 'i will go anywhere any time' gal so I haven't thought in-front of me, how about you James?" I asked and smiled

"To be honest I thought I could have a family of my own, two little kids and a beautiful wife, like you" he said but mumbled the last bit

"Oh, ok!, I wonder how I would cope running a kingdom..." I said , we where at the side of the fortress I have never been

"I think you will be wonderful. That is the kitchen for the chef's making food for they royal family, and some other people in fortress, like the royal guards and the royal tailor, but the most important jobs are the kings left and right man, the left one takes care of the battle field and makes sure if we need repairs for the fortress, and then the right one takes care of all the kings papers and makes sure that everything is perfect for balls and meet ups" James said

we walked into the ball room, it had so many colours from the glass, he grabbed my right hand and bowed

"Will you take this dance with me?" James said in a goofy tone

"Of course!" I said in a high pitched voice, he grabbed my left hand as well and he spun me around and pulled me into his chest

"You will probably have to do this one day" Caleb said, we where just swaying now

"Probably, but I don't want to get all posh" I said and I swam out of his grip

"You don't have to be posh to be a queen" Caleb said

Nathaniels POV

"You don't have to be posh to be a queen" the butler said, I've been watching them ever since Y/n left her bedroom, I felt putrid, the feeling of my heart breaking into pieces while Y/n was with Caleb 'I want to kill him!' I thought

"Caleb it's nice to have you around, but I-... I dont know..." Y/n said pacing around infront of  the butler, then a normal maid walked by, but I stopped her by grabbing onto her shoulder, she looked at me and was in shock

"Y-yes your majesty?" She asked

"Can you tell him that I need him at the garden!" I whispered Demanded, she nodded and walked over

"Do you ever think of what the surface is like?" Y/n asked the butler

"I-I'm sorry to intrude but the prince wants you Caleb" the maid said and I swam of as fast as I could to my bedroom, I fell in my bed "being bored" so no one would suspect

Y/ns POV

As Caleb left to go find Nathaniel I swam to the library, I was soon to be greeted by a big wooded sandy door that looks like it hasn't been touched in months, On the top of the door it said library, so I pushed open the door and found a huge range of books in alphabetical order

The shelves where made out of dark oak and it had many things carved into them, there where rows and rows off books and the top shelf would probably be 15 meters high

"This is heaven!!" I yelled, I swam in and found a little cushioned seat, it was a creamy colour, most of the books had leather covers, but the ones that didn't where pretty small or in a nice colour

"Let's see.." I swam up to the top shelf and looked though

"Potions, that will be useful for the future, how to kill sharkfolk, don't need to know, how to be well mannered, need that one for sure, the fish and the sea, kids book, don't need" I said, I grabbed potions and how to be well mannered, I swam over to the creamy chair

"Now time to get more books!" I said

1 hour later

I had over 40 books that I needed, like royal families, how to bake, how to eat well mannered and more stuff like that, I was able to pull a table over from the side infront of the creamy chair and put all the books on it

"This will be my safe place, I get to read that's a bonus, means more exploring!!" I said and grabbed the potions book

Nathaniels POV

I was coming back Into the fortress, I was covered in black clothing so no one would notice me, 'I just have to make sure that Y/n is safe and then I can make up and excuse about the body, like 'I sent him to the Western kingdom' and if they go looking for him we could just blame it on the sharkfolk

"Who are you?" A guard said standing infront of me, I took my hood of and he saw

"Sorry your majesty!" The same guard said

"It's all right..." I said I swam past them and walked up to the same maid I talked to before

"Do you know where Y/n is?" I asked her

"S-she's in the library" the maid said

"Thank you" I said and swam to the library, I foundry's door was open so I peaked in and found Y/n sitting down on the chair with a lot of books infront of here and she was reading one, I swam in and she was still reading unnoticed that I was here

"What are you reading?" I asked

"GAH!!" She yelled and got up and into a fighting pose, but she soon released that it was me

"God, I'm so sorry!" She said and bowed

"It's not a problem, so what are you reading?" I asked

"Oh, I'm reading a book about other fortresses right now, anyway, what did you do with Caleb?" She asked

"Oh, I sent him to the western kingdom, he needs to get the tailor somethings for outfits" I said

"Oh, cool, I wish I could go" she said in a bugged voice

"I think you wouldn't like it, you could be attacked by sharkfolk" I said getting nervous

"Nah, sharkfolk only kill when they feel threatened or they can't control their instincts, but if it was a group of sharkfolk up against one merfolk, the mer would die and probably be tossed away" Y/n said

"Done your research?" I asked

"Kinda, I read it in the sharkfolk book, little baby sharkfolk are adorable, the have cute teeth" she said smiling, god that smile... it makes me feel weak...

"Ok...dinners happening tonight in the dining room, come eat with us" I said

"Ok!" Y/n said

That's the end, thanks for reading

Yandere merman x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें