Chapter 10: what?

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HELLO TINY THINGS!! OR BIG THINGS OR WHATEVER THINGS!!! What's happening? Want a treat for the day? Oki!! Here you go 🍬


"Miss Y/n?" A maid said pushing my shoulder

"Huh?" I said

"The prince- the future king wants to see you and I'm glad your hearing is back to normal" the maid said helping you get up

"The future king?" I asked

"Ah yes, the king got... assassinated and so did the queen last night..." the maid said

"W-what?" I asked

"Yes, and we are all very sad, but we have to be happy for our new king" the maid said

"He would be so sad... I'll get ready..." I said a tear fell down my cheek and the maid left the room but she came back in immediately

"Oh yes, I'm sorry but I forgot to give you this" she said and gave me a very scrunched up envelope

"Thank you" I said, I opened it and a purple stone that had sparkles like my tail on it, and there was a letter

'Hewo Y/n ho r you, I foond thes stone in cav.
Sorry that was sal, she ment to say 'how are you and she found a purple stone in a cave and she said she found a picture of you In The cave , it reminded her of you and so she gave it to you, anyway, she can't wait to see you, and when your available please come over, thanks'

Love sal and Tony'

"Aww, it's a cute stone.." I said, I have a necklace the cages stones so I put the stone in it and it fit perfectly

5 minutes later

I have two necklaces on now, the diamonds one and the stone one, I was swimming down the hall about to enter the throne room, the guards opened the doors and then my eyes locked with Nathaniels

"Y/n..." Nathaniel said

"I'm so so sorry that happened to you!" I said running up to him a tear rolled down my cheek

"It's been tough..." Nathaniel said, I hugged him

"If you need anything from me I will help!" I said

"Thank you, I will remember that, but I have to do my days work as the king now and you have to go and have a look at your own fortress" Nathaniel said

"Oh, I could cancel the trip if you want me too, I could stay here and make sure your alright?" I said

"No, you need to go today and see your fortress" he said

"Ok, I hope you get better" I said and kissed his cheek

"See you soon..." I said and swam out the room and the guards shut the door

Nathaniels POV

"She... just.... KISSED MEE!!!!" I yelled lightly

"GAH, what do i do... should she stay the day..I would have said yes but she needs to see her fortress... but I need her... but-"  I was interrupted

"Sir..." a maid said

"What is it?" I asked

"Queen Sasha will be coming today to see you... now that you are king..." the maid said

"That bitch... she's a whore, I do not want to see her today" I said

"OH NATHY-BABE!!" A high pitched yelled came from the direction of the door

Age- 18
Looks- black hair with a dark blue stripe, dark red and yellow tail
Bratty, stupid, nice and judgemental
She seems like she has dated many guys but she has only dated 3

"Go away Sasha" I said

"But Nathy~~ you parents just died and you don't have a queen yet, and since Karly doesn't like me, I know you do!" She said (Karl is another fortress person)

"I have my queen already, I'm sorry but your just a bit to late for that" I said

"WHO!" She said

"Maid please come here" I said and she came closer

"Go tell Y/n she has to fake being my queen for a little bit and tell her to come down" I whispered into her ear

"Yes your highness" she said and walked off

"WHO IS SHE!!" Sasha yelled at me

"The future queen of the east fortress" I said

"But the bloodline is dead?" Sasha said

"No, it lives on" I said

"Nathaniel, you needed me?" Y/n said walking in, Sashas eyes bolted to her, she swam to Y/n

"Name, how old, why are you dating my Nathy-poo, how long have you been dating, what happened to your father, can we be besties" Sasha said

"Uhm well my names Y/n, I'm 17 and Nathaniel and I just clicked together once we first saw each other, we have been dating for 1
Week now? And I don't know what happened to my father and I'm sorry I dont know you that well" Y/n said 'she's good at acting... but I wish it wasn't acting... she is perfect and if you hurt her Sasha I will end your life!!" I thought

"Your cute, you have a perfect tail, your ears are cute too and I accept for you and him to date, do you have a brother?" She asked

"I do have a brother, you could meet him if you want once he comes and visits me" Y/n said

"Well, Y/n is about to go have a tour of her fortress soon, and I think it would be a good idea for you Sasha to go back to your fortress" I said

"Hmph fine, see you soon Nathy-poo" Sasha said and swam away

"Amazing acting Y/n..." I said

"Thank you Nathaniel, well I'm gonna go explore my new place, by!" Y/n said and swam off

"I love you..." I said

Sorry I'm taking forever to write these story's, please forgive me

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