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16 years later

[Ashers POV]

"Come on move it let's go!" I yell at the hard headed players like geez how do that expect to win if the keep playing like this!?! I look over and smile as I see Carson coaching the lacrosse team we've built a wonderful life together she's Mrs.Black the English teacher at Bowen High school also the lacrosse coach I'm an engineer and the football coach we have 3 kids Daxton is 15 he looks like Carson then there is Alec he is 9 looks like yours truly then we have miss Ila who is 5 and looks like both of us she is going to be out trouble maker reminds me of the other day


"Daddy?" I look down to see my princess "Yes angel?" She smirks at me wait how can she smirk already I've been doing it to much "I have a boyfriend" um sorry what the fuck did she say??????? "CARSON COME HERE NOW" Carson come running in "What?!" I stand up and walk over to Ila "Tell mummy what you told Daddy" Ila she looks at Carson with puppy dogs eyes I roll mine Carson falls for them every time "I have a boyfriend!" She giggles "Awww you do what's his name?" WHAT.THE.FUCK? "It's Landon he is so cute mommy he has dimples and he has a tooth missing he is a big boy he is 7!" Carson is smiling "HELL NO THATS LIKE PEDOPHILIA YOUR ONLY 5 HE IS 7 THAT NASTY LITT- " I look down to see Ila in tears and walks up to me a punches my leg "DADDY DON'T TALK ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT HE IS SO CUTE AND I LOVE HIM" and runs off Heavenly Father please help me with that child amen. Carson walks up to me and grabs my face "Asher she's little it doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend she might be making it up anyways calm down. One day she is gonna get a boyfriend though and your gonna have to let her go. I know it's gonna be hard but she'll be happy" she kisses my lips I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer "FUCK MY EYES" we pull apart to see Daxton "you had better watch your mouth young man I'll wash is out with soap you understand me?!?" Carson snaps at him "Okay sorry mom" he rolls his eyes and walks out Car sighs "Like father like son" what!?! "YOU MY WIFE roll your eyes more than me!" She laughs

End Flashback

Imma have a heck of a time with her and boys yay! I blow my whistle "alright practice is over hit the showers" I yell and go into the locker room Carson has already left lacrosse practice ends 5 minutes before football she goes and picks up the kids from their sports Ila plays Little league softball, and Alec plays Football so does Daxton so he just goes with me "Hey dad how was I today?" Daxton asks on the way home he is a fantastic football player he is quarterback "You did great I'm proud" he smiles and puts his AirPods in and looks out the window.

"Honey we're home!" I smile as the smell of spaghetti hits my nostrils Daxton is already running into the kitchen I take off my shoes then put my keys on the key hanger and go into the kitchen to see everyone sitting down already I give Carson a kiss then Ila then I go to kiss Alec on the cheek like I did Ila but he move "Dad I'm to old for you to kiss me" I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair "Whatever" I say and get a plate and sit down we pray then dig in "How was school kids" Carson asks "Fine" Daxton mutters "It was good" Alec says Ila is who we will hear the most from.

[Carsons POV]

"It was amazing mommy Landon kissed me today!" All the boys dropped their forks "WHAT!?!" All the boys yell at the same time "Oh calm down boys! Honey was it in the lips or cheek and what is his last name?" She smiles she's to damn cute! "Well it's Landon ya know Uncle Joshes son I thought you guys would know that and the cheek!" Ashers fits are clinched "Looks like daddy is gonna have to call uncle josh" I glare at him "No daddy I like Lan and he likes me so DONT CALL UNCLE JASH PLEASE!" He huffs "fine" I smile "so I have news!" Everyone looks at me "What's is it mommy?" Alec is so cute! "Mummy is going to have another baby!" Asher is already spinning me around he finally sets me down "Really?" I smile and nod "YAY IM GOING TO BIG A BIG SISTER!" All the kids hug me I'm so grateful for how my life is!

9 months later

"Time of brith 4:00am 9 pounds and 8 ounces, 19 inches long" they hand me my baby girl, Ash kisses me I kiss back as he looks down at her "Welcome to the world Everlee Hero Black" We picker Hero for her middle because not only is it Ashers but it's his grandpas that's pass when he was 7 and Everlee was my grandmas name who passed last year I hug my baby close to my body and kiss her head. It's been two hours since Ever was born and it's time for her to meet her siblings Daxton is the first to walk in walk right over to the sink to wash his hands "okay mom I want it hold my baby sister!" He is a big softy can't let him fool me "here ya go" he takes her and sits down rocking her gently "I'm your oldest brother Daxton the best one if a boy ever tries anything he'll probably die cause he has to go through dad,me and Alec" I smile as the rest of my kids walk in Asher behind them smiling and walks over to me "I'm so happy with the life we made your the best mother ever I love you Carson" I smile "Me too and your the best dad I love you too!"

The End

About their friends

They all still are best friends and have get togethers all the time!

Mia is married to Brody and they have three kids Lennox, Lucas and Posie

Josh and Lia are Married and have two kids Zayden and Landon

Enzo is married to Matilda and they have one kid named Hendrix

Logan and Marie are married with 3 Rose,Claire and Josephine

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