Chapter 19

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[Carsons POV]

I lean in he leans in and finally our lips connect but it wasn't like the first time it was gentle and soft his lips on mine was the best feeling EVER I never wanted to stop kissing him. His hands go up my waist and into my hair pulling me even closer I wrap my hands around his neck now kissing each other hotter he grabs my legs and lifts me up. I wrap them around his waist he walks over to the island and sits me downs he gets in between the legs he licks my lips asking for entrance and of course I gonna make him work for it I could feel him smirk when his hands traveled underneath my shirt and on clasp my bra I gasp and he slips it in I should have known but he taste like maple syrup we fight for dominance but of course he won I run my tongue along his bottom teeth he groans and I put away and rest my head on his forehead "Carson do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked smiling and look into his eyes "Yes" I say breathlessly and smile and backs up some "Ya know I've always wanted to fuck on in an island" he smirks I smack his arm lightly "Well not today Black!" I yell "Oh so you want to sometime? I mean your right we probably can't today" his smirk grows even wider than before I blush "So um what time is our date?" He smiles ha it worked "um in 15 minutes it's a whole day thing so you need get ready but I've already picked out clothes for you there on you're bed" I roll my eyes his ego needs come down some "how did you know I was going to say yes?" He smirks I rolls my eyes again I swear they are going to get stuck like that one day "No one ever says no to me love I'm going to go get ready" and with that he goes upstairs and I follow behind him but go towards my room and see that he has out black skinny jeans and long sleeve gray V-neck with a dark green vest and my old pair of combat boots I blush when I see a matching bra and thong that are red and lacey under all the clothes I run to the shower.

I'm now dressed and have my hair tied up in a ponytail and nude lipstick on with brown eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and mascara overall I think I look good I mean he has seen me without makeup so whatever I walk downstairs to see him standing against the living room doorway Instant Eyegasm his hair still kinda wet he was dressed in navy blue jeans with a dark green shirt and a black leather jacket with combat boots on he smirks "Ready" I nod no trusting myself not to stutter he grabs my hand and pull to the front door grabs his truck keys and I lock the door behind us. "So are you gonna tell me were we are going?" I say to him we've been in the truck for 1 hour and I'm about to go crazy "Nope" he said popping the 'p' I sigh and rest my head on the window.

"Cupcake wake up" I feel someone shaking me "Go away!" I hear the person laugh "Love don't make this difficult" I pop open one eye to see Asher standing there looking like a Greek God and I smile and sit up opening both my eyes and hop out and look around I see a lake, millions of trees people walking their dogs family's on picnics It's so beautiful "It really is" okay I gotta stop saying shit out load he grabs a backpack and puts it on "Ready to go on a hike?" I smile "Yes I love hikes!" He chuckles then grabs my hand "which one do you want to go on? There is Moose trail, Blue Bear trail, Green River trail, Holly trail or Core trail?" Huh "Have you ever been here before? Like on an hike?" I ask him "Yea I went on Blue Bear trail it's okay but I heard the best one was Core Trail" I shrug "Well let's take that one!" I almost yell and grab his hand and snatch the map out of it then pull him up the mountain. "My feet hurt" Asher wines for the 10th time yet we are literally almost to the top of the mountain and done with the trail we've been on for 3 hours we've even stopped and had lunch that Asher packed in his backpack I roll my eyes at him "Well we are almost to the top Ash" he stops walking I turn to see what his problem is "I like that" he must have noticed my confused face "Ash I like it" he smiles and pulls me by the waist and grabs my face and lays one on me damn he can kiss we melt into it my gosh I'm on a high he's like a drug he taste like his cinnamon gum his put in after eating....yummy I love cinnamon I pull him closer I swipe my tough over his bottom lip he lets me in and fights me for dominance he wins again little dick but he probably has a big dic-Nope not going there.

"Now sit we are watching a movie" he smiles at me we got home after we stoped making out in the woods we hiked back down and left it was so much fun honestly best date ever "So we are gonna watch She's The Man" I up at him and see him standing there with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soda in his other hand and laugh "you like that movie?" His cheeks turn a light shade of pick AWWWWWW SO FUCKING CUTE "It's a funny move okay!" He practically yells in defense he has a point plus I mean Channing Tatum? YUM I smirk "You're right Channing Tatum is so sexy I'd lick his abs and then I wou-" "you would not lick him and definitely not do anything else little cupcake" laugh already jealous sucker ha"Also Amanda Bynes damn so hot her body is s-" "are we gonna start the movie?" I ask holy monkey balls Carson could it be more obvious that you're jealous? He smirks and sits down and pulls me into his side and we eat popcorn talk make out watch the movie and cuddle then make out....again


Hello my lovely's😉 how are we doing!?! The book only has a few more chapter to go🥺😢



Stay tuned peeps!🙃

Lots of love Mackenzie💘

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