Chapter 5

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(Carson's POV)
The girls left around 10:00 last night it's now 5:00 the next day. Mom and Dad should be home tomorrow and I'm happy because well first I get to see my parents and second because my Mom and Dad always have breakfast together and dinner every night they might be lawyers but they always make time for me. I get  out of the shower brush my teeth, dry and straighten my hair, then I get my Victoria Secret thong and bra, I grab skinny jeans that make my butt look good and then a PINK t-shirt that's yellow and a the word PINK in sliver. Then for the final touch I get my socks and put my black combat boots on. I take one last look in the mirror I put on concealer, eye-shadow, eyeliner just on top, mascara,highlighter and lip-gloss. I grab my phone and backpack and go down stairs I made a blueberry bagel and then put cream cheese on it. I've been waiting on Asher for 20 minutes he should have been her- honk honk honk I get up and grab my bag and lock the front door. I get in Asher's truck "Hey my love you ready?" Um what the actual F? "Um what?" He rolls his eyes "That's your cute pet name Love or Cupcake" oh my gosh this man is unbelievable "Um I don't like ether Black" he laughs "I don't care I'll call you what I want" um hell no "YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT NO SIR!"
"Fine woman  gosh calm down holy shit don't have a bitch fit" did I mention that I hate Asher Black no? I didn't? Oh, because I do.

We pull up and all the I'm super nervous "Just follow my lead" I decided not to argue "Okay" I said he look at me surprised "Wow White finally listens" I huff  "Don't get used to it" I said in a serious tone "Whatever Cupcake let me get out and then walk over to you side to make me look like a good boyfriend" I roll my eyes at my pet name "Okay" he get out with his backpack over one shoulder and in dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and his varsity jacket. Damn he is fine am I drooling? NO CARSON GET THOSE THOUGHTS OUT OF YOUR HEAD! That's when my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the truck door opening "Let's go Love" instead of rolling my eyes I smile. Only because literally everyone's eyes are on us. I take his hand and hop out of the truck and he shuts the door behind me. His arm goes around my waist and oh lord have mercy I just wanna lay on him. Wait what? Where is this coming from you idiot! Get your ass in gear Carson.

"Babe you okay you zoned out?" He had a look of concern on his face if I didn't know that we were fake dating I would even believe he was worried. "Yea I'm fine sorry" I smile at him while I fight the urge to not roll my eyes and I almost lost. We walk in school with his hand still around my waist and everyone's heads snap in our direction. I walk past Mia and Marie they both wink at me I cuss them out in my head. Then all the sudden I am ripped away from Asher and slammed into the lockers only to come face to face with a angry Audrey.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" Um what the F? "Um walking to class with my boyfriend before I was so rudely ripped away by his crazy ex girlfriend" I push her off me and walk to Asher. I then wrap my arm around him and whisper in his ear "It's working" then I kiss his ear and grab his hand and started leading him to our class. "Damn Cupcake that was hot" Okay so I may or may not be blushing like crazy "So I'm a good actress I knew it" he smirks at me but before he can say anything I'm back at his ear whispering "I'm glad I can get to you" the I give his ear a little biting tug then walk in the class room. Something I forgot to say before I told you my morning routine is that I decided to actually torture him. It might back fire on me later but right now I'm loving it.

The bell rang for lunch but I needed to go to the bathroom. Now the halls are deserted cause everyone's in the cafeteria but once again I'm slammed into a locker but this time it's Asher. He leans right to my ear "Hello love" oh lord I think I just had a mini heart attack"Um h-hi Asher"

"Cupcake Game on" oh sweet mother of monkey milk someone help I push him away "I think you should go to lunch"

"Well as you wish Cupcake" he grabbed my hand and we walked to lunch. Asher and I sit down at his table along with his friends Brody, Enzo, Logan and Josh fantastic. I'm relieved when I see Mia and Marie making there way over here. Oh, thank gosh "So when did you two decide you liked each other?" Logan said. All of Asher's friends are players but Logan is the worst. He literally has sex in the janitors  closet in between periods it's crazy.

"She couldn't resist my fine body" I roll my eyes and giggle "And he couldn't resist mine" I say with a smirk but his friends are smirking at us like crazy then they all wink I think I just threw up in my mouth "Carson" I look up to see Mia and Marie "Hey guys" I smile "Oh gosh I don't think I can handle two more lacrosse players sitting here" says Logan "WHATS WRONG WITH LACROSSE?!?" we all three said at the same time making the boys laugh."You guys play a baby sport" OH HELL NO "Um actually if you have ever seen a lacrosse game they are actually really  intense" said Mia she didn't even care but Marie did she look like she was about to hit Logan and once the boys noticed how mad she actually was she shut up instantly "All you guys do is get tackled what's so great about that? You run past the line whoa big deal we actually have to put more effort into a  game of lacrosse like Mia said it gets intense" her face was so red it wasn't funny no one said anything but then stupid Logan said "You are a bitch did anyone ever tell you that"

Oh bloody hell she lost her shit she got up out of her chair he went to Logan's grabbed him by his shirt. Oh shit the boys are trying so hard not to laugh Logan's still smirking. But Mia and I are being quiet because he is about to get a Marie slap to the face. Instead she gets super close to his lips looking him dead in the eye and says "You know what at least I don't sleep with half the school and you know what else Logan?" He doesn't say anything "WELL?" Oh she's pissed "Um I no i d-don't" oh man he just keeps digging a bigger hole "YOU WILL COME WITH YOUR FRIENDS TO A LACROSSE GAME AND SEE THAT ITS NOT STUPID AND IF YOU DON'T I'LL CUT OFF YOUR BABY MAKER YOUR GOT IT HART?" Yep everyone is looking our way fantastic "I-I got it" she let's go of him and smiles "Good I'm glad you understand" and then sits back down and then everyone continues their conversations "Bro you just let a girl practically beat your ass" said Enzo all the boys were laughing but soon stop and  Josh says "So you guys are like seriously a couple?

"Yes we are" I smile and Asher grab my hand and kisses my cheek oh I'm blushing like a freaking Folgers coffee container.

The bell rang to finally telling us that we can get the heck of dodge I'm the last one to leave because when I got up I spilled all my pencils and pens. I'm walking past an empty class room and hear yelling "How could you Asher you're mine" it's Audrey "No I'm not I'm Carson's and she's mine" aww I felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt like a giddy teenager so I walk in and save him "Hey ready to go?" Audrey walks past me and Asher smiles "Yeah, thanks for saving me" I gasped and put my hand over my heart "Did Asher Black just thank me?" He rolls his eyes and says "I think you are hearing things Cupcake let's go" he put an arm around my waist and we walk out of school and get in his truck and leave.

Where are almost to my house and Asher says "So tonight is my movie night where I just chill and watch different movies. I think you should come over and watch them so we take pictures for Snapchat and Instagram" oh lord "Um I don't know Asher" I say "Please I'll let you pick the first movie"

What the hell? There isn't anyone at my house anyway. "Okay fine" We then drive to his house and park in the driveway. I take in the view of Asher's house. It's a very nice two story house. We get out of his truck and walk in his house. "Mom I'm home and I brought my girlfriend." Oh lord he didn't just tell his Mom  that well I mean obviously he did tell her but I wish he didn't "In the kitchen honey" We go to into the kitchen I instantly fall in love with it. My secret obsession is baking and I want this kitchen "Oh my, Asher said you were beautiful but my, my you are gorgeous" I look over to Asher with my eyebrow raised.OMG ASHER BLACK IS BLUSHING! "Thank you" Asher let's a breath out. "Okay, well we'll be watching TV in my room. You go head up second door to you left I'll bring the snacks and stuff" I look at Asher "You want help?" I asked "Nope I've got it" I smile "Okay" and go upstairs.
Lots of love Sutton!

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