Running With Nowhere To Hide

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[Third Person P.O.V]

Hayley felt like she was being toyed with. Like she was playing a dangerous game of hide and seek. She had no sense of direction, and had been running for hours. It was dusk, and she was tired.

She leaned against a tree, panting with an ache in her chest. She hadn't found Rebekah or Elijah yet, but she felt she was somewhere close. After looking back at the dart that was still stuck in her back, she winced.

Whatever they had shot her with must've had been filled with lots of wolfsbane because she was dizzy.

She stumbled a little before falling to the ground. She cried out feeling a stick tear through he leg. She panted with her hands on the ground, and her face in the dirt.

"Hayley!" She heard calling but didn't pay much attention. She just cried out again, feeling her leg hurt as she tries to move.

She looked up and saw Liam. She growled at him. "Who are you? What do you want? I'm surprised you don't remember me. But I guess it's the new body. A lot can change in 4 years, I guess. But what I did not expect was the Klaus Mikealson helping you. What did you do, sleep with him too? Make him love you?"

Hayley grit her teeth. She spoke through the pain. "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who are you?"

Liam sighed walking right around her and lowering his hand onto the stick. With little to no effort, he tugged it out. Hayley screamed loudy. She huffed and wheeled looking at her oozing wound. She glared up at Lian who stood.

"Oh don't give me that look. You did the same. Like this," he stepped her wound crushing it under his boot. "Pressing on my wound until you broke my bones." When he heard the crack, he smirked.

Looking down at Hayley, he watched her scream until her voice cracked and the whole forest was shaken. "Now, now, Hayley. You have got to be quiet. They'll find us." She kept screaming, panting and blowing her hair from her face. Her leg was broken and has a hole going through it, she was lost, confused, and for the first time in a very long time, she was scared. "Please stop! I don't know you!" And she truly didn't. Well, not that she remembers.

"Oh really? Well then do you remember this?" He weaved his fingers around the back of her jacket and threw her against a tree, choking her. He held her up against it, making her kick and gasp for air. She felt even dizzier.

"Or this?"

He dropped her, only to drive his knee into her stomach. She dropped to the grass, rolling over. She felt like everything was painful. "What about this?" He pulled her up and put her in a headlock. She felt her airway cutting off. She hit his shoulder, feeling a wave of nausea coming over her. Her hits were slowing as was the impact until she saw spots dancing across her vision. Then, he was torn away and she was falling. Her head hit a rock, and rolled over crying out in pain. She clutched her head, feeling hands on her arms. With little strength, she pushed them away. She slid away, finally opening her eyes. She panted uncontrollably. She could barely see through the blood and blur.

With a groan she fell backwards, finally unconscious. Four allies stood near her. Klaus, Aiden, Rebekah and Elijah.

"Liam is it? What is it that you want with Hayley?" Klaus asked circling him. Rebekah was by Hayley's side and pulling out the dart in her right shoulder. Aiden was also there by her side. Both heard her groan and Rebekah spoke. "It's okay. You're going to be okay."

She said, allowing Aiden to pick the girl up in his arms. Blood and spread on her head. Rebekah winced. "She won't heal, Nik. Get her back to the car. We will handle this." Klaus said, and both of them ran off.

Liam was attacked as soon as they left. Klaus hit his head with his elbow. That made Liam stumble, and with that advantage, he kicked him in his sternum making him fall in Elijah who was behind him. He had his hand reaching out, and ready to receive Liam's heart.

His hand went straight through his chest, grabbing his heart and pushing it through and out the other side. Liam choked, blood rushing from his mouth. Elijah pushed him forward silently. He fell to the ground, dessicating slowly.

"Come on. We need to see if Hayley's alright." Klaus turned and Elijah followed hid brother. When they made it back to the path, Aiden was snapping a neck, making a body fall to the ground.

"Another one of that guy's lackeys." Upon closer inspection, Klaus saw that it was Tyler. "Tyler." He growled. "Who now? Tyler Lockwood, an old friend of Hayley's. I guess not anymore after tonight. He's coming with us." Rebekah picked him up and threw him in the trunk.

"Let's get home before Hayley wakes up again. Again?" Rebekah sighs. "Yes again, on our run back she woke up and freaked out. She wouldn't calm down so I had to snap her neck. It's like she couldn't recognize either of us."

Rebekah said as they all got in the car, aside from Aiden. "Thanks for the call Aiden. Hayley's my alpha. And a great friend of mine. I gotta protect her."

When Aiden said that, it made Klaus feel territorial. He wanted to growl at Jackson letting him know that she was his and no one else's.

But, he controlled himself and looked over at the she wolf as they drove off. Her head was leaned against the window, blood smearing across her skin.

"Do you think that guy is really the mastermind? No. And I've got a feeling that this is only the beginning."

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