A Soul And A Soul

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{Third Person P.O.V}

When Klaus had awoken again, he was on the couch, and he saw someone in the kitchen. It was Hayley. Looking up, she saw he was awake. She smiled and walked over. She wore a black tshirt and grey pants. Her boots clicked against thr wooden floorboards.

"Hey. How do you feel?" She asked, handing him a blood bag.

He sat up slowly, and she looked him over. "I've never seen you pass out so it was a bit of a shock. What happened?" She asked and he sighed. She wouldn't believe him if she said the man she just met was a siphon witch and wanted to drain her of her power to see him hurt.

He sighed and asked if she really wanted to know. When she nodded, he explained everything.

At first, she didn't believe him but after he explained it, she started to believe him. "So he wants to drain me of my extraordinary power that all supernatural beings have? But he can't. Why does he want mine? He wants to get go me, by hurting you.

But aren't you with Cami? I am. But we have more of a connection with you than Cami and I have ever had.

Kai knows this. He wants to use it against me. Okay so how do we stop him? You can't just kill him because he'll just drain you. Well, he can't drain you. We need to find out why.

I'll find out. You go home and rest. Rest while that sociopath is out there? No. You just said he can't drain me.

He can use other methods. Ones that even I would describe as sinister." Hayley gulped and Klaus stood. "We'll find out together.

Fine but where I'm going isn't far. Where are we going? To ask a witch of course." Hayley smirked and went outside as Klaus followed. She walked across the street and into the compound.

She called out for Freya but instead Elijah entered from the dining room. "Hayley. I-I wanted to speak with you. Elijah, I don't have time. I need to speak with Freya.

It seems like you never have time for us anymore." It was like that set off a fuse in Hayley that made her blow up.

"Elijah, if you haven't noticed, my wolves are being targeted. I can't just lay down with you and talk and kiss you when this is going on.

I already lost some of my pack. I can't loose anymore. Hayley, I can help. I can track down and kill anyone who dares to threaten you-,"

"No. Sometimes Elijah, killing makes it worse. I want to know what they want, and why they want it. And it just isn't about me. It's about my pack I swore to protect.

I need to protect them now more than ever and if you can't see that, then we have nothing more to talk about.

If you can't help me, then excuse me, while I find your sister."

Hayley glanced over him as she walked past him for what seemed like for the millionth time. She's been walking away from him more times than he likes.

When Hayley found Freya, she read Hayley. Her aura. Her soul.

"Something is hovering over your soul. Something protective. Ready to keep you safe.

Is it a spell? No...this is different. It's like it has a mind of its own.

Something hovers over my soul? Can you tell what it is? No.

What can you tell?" Hayley asked and Freya closed her eyes and concentrated harder. She couldn't get much out of it and sighed sadly.

"I couldn't get much. I got that what was protecting had a strong will and wasn't ready to let go of whatever it was holding onto."

That made Hayley think. It wasn't ready to let go? Let go of what exactly? And why her?

Hayley didn't know the jest of what was going on, but had a pretty good idea and she didn't want to think about all the possibilities that pointed to a certain sociopath.

The odds were not in Hayley's favor. And if she wished to see her pack alive she might need the family of Originals.

She sighed deeply before speaking up. "Freya. Get your family downstairs we need to have a talk."

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