Running Into A Siphon Witch? No Way

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I am so sorry!

I didn't intend to take this long! Anyway, there will be an author's note at the end. I want you guys to read it, cause it's really important.

{Third Person P.O.V}

Moving day had come and gone. Soon, it was Hayley's turn. She decided to move in to the top apartment suite across the street from the Mikealson compound this way everyone was nearby. She had just parked outside and was going in when someone ran into her. Literally. She was knocoed onto her side, her things tumbling onto the sidewalk.

She grunted coming to a stand, looking up. She saw a boyish man.

He wore a blue hoodie with a black t-shirt and skinny jeans with a pair of timberlands. She sensed that he was human.

He looked up and gasped. "I am so so sorry!" He helped her up, and she winced feeling her arm. He held it, and Hayley looked up at him. "Sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. Was jogging backwards. You know, trying to be cool. Heh. Yeah." Hayley nodded and they stared at eack other.

Something about him made her stare. It was something about his eyes...

She cleared her throat looking away from him. "Got to get going. No!" He shouted, squeezing her, and she hissed when he squeezed her too hard.

"Arm!" She shouted and he immediately let go. She glanced up at him before bending down and beginning to pick up her things.

"Let me help!" He said picking up things and putting them in boxes. She smiled at his kindness.

What is it about humans that wants to make them help? She'll never know.

"Moving into a new place? Yeah. I can't stay at my old place. I'm not sure it's safe. How so?" He asked as she walked into the building. "Well...," how was she supposed to explain that her pack of wolves was attacked mysteriously and she had to leave because of it?

"I can't exactly stay with my parents. My dad's a drunk and my mom...well she's another story I don't want to get into."

Hayley lied with a sad smile to pass the story. They stepped into the elevator, and she turned to him. "I'm Hayley, by the way. Malachai. Wow. That'

Sounding like I'm probably going to be a villan? Yeah um, blame the parents. They were really into something. I didn't do a lot of research.

But call me Kai instead. Better that way. You're right it is." She said laughing just as the elevator opened. "Come on, my place is down the hall." She said and stopped at the 6th door. She dug her key out of her pocket before opening the door. She was pretty much amazed.

The living room was big and empty. The walls were blank and Hayley smiled. Kai Hayley set the boxes down, going their own ways to explore. This was good. She could paint the colors however she wanted. Walking in further and turning to the right, a kitchen with a side bar was there. Lining the wall, there were cement like bricks. Turning she walked down the hall. On the right was a bedroom. Empty. Turning to the left, she saw a pantry closet, and one room down was a bathroom.

If you make a right, there was a staircase. Hayley eagerly went up the steps and was greeted with a door. Opening it, she saw a hardwood floored room with a brick wall in the back. There was a closet on the left side of the brick and a door to the bathroom on the other.

She liked the bathroom. It had a tub with see through glass and a metal shower head. Lining the wall was a shelf that was further back than the rest of the wall. The lights were line on the ceiling and wall. The floor had some wooden panels and a very nice perstine white sink. She loved it. Klaus knew what she liked.

After finding Kai they exchanged numbers before parting ways. And then, the moving in began.

I am so so sorry! I didn't know what to write, but now that's out, I want you guys to take a guess what's going to happen. Based on what I read, I'll maybe incorporate it into the next chapter.

But until then, bye now!

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