Chapter 3

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People filed into the classroom, as they walked in MC and Fleur looked around, weighing they're options.

"I don't think he would care," MC pointed to a ginger sitting down at his chair, "are you sure?" Fleur scratches her head.

"Yeah, let's ask." MC gets up, waiting for their friend to do the same.
"I don't know, you can, not me." Fleur avoids looking in that direction.

MC looks back and forth between the two, "and here I thought you would back me up, for everything."

"I do, I will, just, not him." Fleur looks down.
"Fine, but just know, if I end up in the hospital, you're paying." MC rolls her eyes, letting out a small laugh.

MC saunters over to the red head, putting on a friendly smile, "hello Yordan."

Yordan stares up at the human, then back down, hair covering his eyes.

"Would you like to help me with something?" MC asks, trying to get her nerves settled.

"Why would I help you." Yordan utters, not looking up from his phone, which MC notices that it's off, and made of plastic.

"Because, it could potentially earn you an actual phone," MC states.
Yordan's brown eyes look up at MC's hazel organs of sight.

Yordan sighs, "let me guess, you want to summon Realm?"

MC's mouth agapes, "no, not Realm, one of the first cursed," they puts their hands in their pockets.

Yordan let's out a breath of air through his nose, shaking his head, "No, I choose to keep my life."

Someone taps MC's shoulder, she turns, a man with ash on his face smiles, "I'll help."

He wore goggles on top of his head and many jackets.
"Meet me and Fleur," she points to their friend, "In the library, when do you have time?"

"I have an hour before my next class, but we can meet at eight." He explains, "by the way, my name is Green."

Green hold out his hand, MC goes to shake it but is interrupted by the professor, "We have a test next class, and I don't want to see the weird little drawings you do in them or the word messages."


MC hears someone running, the door opens and Green rushes in, he didn't have the ash on his face anymore, "Sorry I'm late, there was a problem with one of my things from my last class."

"It was just five minutes, you're fine," MC yawns, looking up from a book.
"Where's your friend?" Green asks, looking around the bare gray room.

"Out to get supplies," MC shrugs, "she should be back soon, can't get started with out her."

"Which one are we going to summon?" Green asks, pulling out a chair from the table.

"Before I tell you, what are you're thoughts on death?" MC closes her book.

"I don't care if I die, I mean, everyone does, everyone will, even the cursed." Green answers, "who is it?"

"Don't worry, we aren't going to kill you, no, it doesn't need blood, not this one." MC calms Green's nerves.

"Which one is it?" Green continues moving the table out of the way, "Winifred or Colossus?"


"I'm back." Fleur says as she opens the door, "I brought all the stuff I could find, I am missing a piece, but I'm sure it's fine."

"We're going to die." Green mutters.

"No we aren't, have you ever heard of someone dying from a summon?" MC gets up, taking the plastic bag from Fleur.

"Yes," Green states.

MC laughs it off, grabbing the chalk out a smaller, sandwich bag.

"We'll be fine." Fleur stands next to Green as they watch MC draw a triangle with chalk.

MC hands out unlit candles with lighters.
And they go to their corners.
"I assume you know the words?"
Green nodded.

They lit their candles, and begin.

The ground shakes


They blow out their candles, and the ground beneath them breaks open, and a giant cat claws up, he stretches, and that's when MC sees the long fangs.

The saber tooth tiger looks around, "well this is new."

Greens drops to his knees, letting go of the candle, "we did it." He faints.

"What's his problem?" Colossus asks.

"He thought we would have died," MC told him, "but you're here, and that means,"
MC looks down, realizing what that means.

"What?" Colossus looks around, "that the siren is still alive?"

MC nods.
"You'd do the same, if you were in her situation." Colossus sighs, understanding why he was brought back.

"So are you going to help us?" Fleur asks.

"Of course."

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