Chapter 4

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"How are we going to do this?" MC goes to sit in a chair.
"I don't know, you're the ones that brought me back."

"Well what did you do last time you were here?"

"Well, I couldn't find her, the siren is sneaky," the tiger explains, "but maybe with the technology you have now, I can."

"When was the last time you were here?" Green asks, getting up, rubbing his head.

"Fifteen hundreds, for like ten years or so?" Colossus ponders, walking over to the door, "what year is it exactly?"

"Twenty forty-two." Fleur chimes in.
"Well, it's been awhile." Colossus mutters,

"I just released something, how are we going to get him out and how'll he survive in public, he's cursed."

"Oh yeah, this star marks," Colossus looks back, "well thankfully I'm able to change into a normal, regular sized house cat."

The saber tooth tiger shrinks, along with his teeth, "see?"

MC pushes off the table, and grabs their bag, "get inside here, we'll get you out of here."

The black cat with two gray stripes in its back nods then jumps into the checkered backpack.

"I still want to help find Serien apo anthro," Green looks down, "I could help?"

"You didn't think we were just going to need your help with summoning, did you?" Fleur smiles, "we broke the law, we're not letting you off the hook just yet."

"Oh, yeah I guess." Green glances down.

They walk out of the study room, a librarian steps towards them, "and what were you doing in there?"

She was your stereotypical librarian, gray hair, wrinkles covering her face and hands, small, red rectangular glasses that sit on the edge of her nose, and looking as if she'd never eaten a scrap of food in her life.

"I'll ask you again, what were you doing in there?" She asks, crossing her arms and tapping her finger.

Saturn was speechless, luckily Fleur wasn't, "I was practicing" she moved her bangs out of the way, "yes, I'm the one who left, but I'm tired of being made fun of."

The librarian gave them a suspicious look, "well, you should have told me, I would have given you a more safer room."

Fleur smiles, "I will, definitely will next time."
The librarian pursed her chapped lips and walked away.

Saturn hears Green letting out a breath.
They walk out out the library, passing a few people with dark circles under there eyes.

"And that's the best part of being me, I can get away with stuff," Fleur walked backwards, pointing to the closed eye on her forehead.

"Yeah, but you might not want to always do that." Colossus advised, "Walking backwards, I mean."

Fleur steps back, feeling nothing, and falling on to the pavement.
"Maybe you're right." Fleur groans rubbing her butt.

Green let's out a laugh, "well, I live in the dorms, can we exchange numbers?"
Pulling out his phone.

Saturn nods, "here's my number," and shows Green their phone.

They go their separate ways, "what's this?" Colossus asks, "no star has this," he sat on the passenger seat.

"It's a car, and what do you mean star, is it like planets?" Saturn asks, "you keep talking about it, are there aliens out there?

"Well, no, not exactly, it's more like alternate universes, or realms," Colossus explains, "we just call it stars, and well, yes, they are, what you call, planets."

They drive down the road, "I'm confused," Saturn shakes her head.

"I was too, and it's better not to explain it." Colossus sighs, "I really shouldn't have said anything really."

Saturn wanted to keep talking about it, but didn't want to piss him off.

Changing the subject they say, "fifteen hundreds, really?"

"Or maybe sixteen hundreds, it's been a while," Colossus looks out the window, "I'm guess you want to hear the story?"

Of course I do.

The cat sighs, then begins, "it was around the time when witches were, let me reword that, when being a witch was illegal, she was blamed, and sentenced to hang."

"And she didn't die," Saturn's brain clicks, she heard about this in school, they didn't spend to much time on it, only a day, but she would have never guessed it was her.

"Yes, a few educated people realized who it was, and secretly summoned me, and well, they died a week later, but I searched for her, for ten years, with no luck." Colossus frowns.

"Well, we're at my apartment," Saturn states, and the cat hid in their bag.

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