Chapter 6

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"I'm sure by now, the police are on to her, or at least made contact in any way." Fleur says before biting into her hotdog.

It was around dinner and they were eating in a park, a ways from the college, they got hotdogs off of a stand nearby.

"Yeah, but they don't exactly do their job correctly." Saturn comments, "and she didn't have a mark, who knows how wealthy she could be, especially with how long she's been alive."

"Yes, but if I was here on earth this long, I wouldn't be famous or rich, I'd live off the land, travel." Colossus explains, "and if I know her, and I do, she'd do the same."

Saturn's groans and dramatically put their head in her knees. "Why does it have to be this hard."

"She's a master of disguise." Fleur said, finishing her hotdog.

A person passes by, "hey, I couldn't help but over hear, if you need to know about someone, go to Ian's, looked for the owner, he knows about everything."

As soon as the person in a red striped shirt gets out of ear shot, Saturn announces. "That was weird."

"Have you ever heard of Ian's?" Fleur asks, leaning back on her arms.


The sky was black and held no stars, cars pass by them without a second thought.

"Turn left at Perkinson's place." Saturn's phone instructed, "then take another left at Pizza n' pie."

The three walked past empty crates and trash bags, which smelled like rotten apples and pizza.

"Oh, I think I'm going to throw up." Fleur covered her mouth and held her stomach.
They had abandoned their jackets in Saturn's car.

Colossus saw a small wooden sign that was only hung by one nail that read, Ian's.
"I think that's it." Colossus says.

They head inside, it was completely different from the outside, people all shapes and sizes. It was bright with different colors flashing off the walls, and the music was loud.

They walk over to the bar, seeing a bartender wiping off a cup.
"I don't recognize you?" He says, "new around town?"

"Aren't cursed not allowed the drink?" Saturn says, ignoring the question. They go to sit down.

"Well, yes." The bartender nods, "but no, we're allowed to drink if the police doesn't know."

"Oh." Fleur sits.

Colossus jumps on the table. "We have some questions for you."
"Woah, a talking cat, born or what?" The bartender asks, putting down the cup.

"Not born." Colossus frowned, "but I'm sure you've heard of me."
He looks around, "nope, never heard of a talking cat."

"I'm not a talking cat." Colossus voice raised, staring straight into the bartenders eyes, he asks. "Have you seen Serbian app anthro?"

The bartender smirk faded, "I have actually, she was here just last night."
The bartender puts a gloved hand in front of him, "I'm Balil, and if I'm right, you're Colossus?"

"Yeah, you're right." Colossus eyes the hand. "So, has she told you anything?"
"I'm not allowed to say."

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