Chapter 13

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"Serien, ru-"

Saturn covers Colossus's mouth with a mud covered rag they found in the sidewalk."

Serien apo anthro turns around, she wore giant sunglasses, and a sweatshirt the color of a porpoise.

"You can't hide forever!" Saturn yells, running towards the ancient human with a knife.

"What the-" She says just before her back met the

"Who killed the only person I loved!"

"Please, let go of the knife." Serien apo anthro begs.

Saturn does some loud growl scream, "what is wrong with you!"

Bystanders leaped into stores and cafes for shelter, some even calling the police, and some recorded.


Sweat drips off of Saturn's face on slides across the right side of the pines down person's face.

"Ok, I'll let go."

Just before their about to let go, a saber tooth tiger pushes Saturn off.

"I could protect my own, ya know." the siren says after getting up.

"Eh, look like you needed some help there, friend." Colossus shrugs his furry shoulders.

Saturn shakily gets up.

"Oh, friend now?" Sirien apo anthro recalled, taking off the porpoise colored sweatshirt.

Saturn feels their heart pulsating. "No." She gasps, "not yet."
They take hold of the knife again, realizing they have to fight two on one, she almost collapses.

"Oh, don't give up so easily now." The siren laughs as oil colored feathers grow out of her wet quicksand skin.

"I'm not." Saturn rushes forward, Colossus almost steps in the way, but Serien apo anthro flies up.

The feathered human jumps off sides of buildings and sides of buildings.
Saturn got to distracted too notice that Colossus lunges forward, trapping her.

Once she focus their eyes again,  they plead, "Colossus, I know you want to die, you want to end your suffering, so please, help me."

The big cat winces, "I-I can't."

"Yeah, he wants me to live." Serien apo anthro leans over. Her wings casting a shadow over all of them.

Saturn grunts and does all they can currently do, avoid the fangs and punch Colossus's face.


"Being in realm made you weak." Serien app anthro comments. "Ne govori to." Colossus said.

"Ego consilium." Humana de sirenis takes two fancy looking knives out. "Transibit super."

"Vos can't esse gravis," Colossus snarled, "cur tu, quasi dicat, quod!"

Saturn uses the saber tooth tigers distraction to get away.

"Why, it's only the truth?" Humana de sirenis states.
"You-you never loved me, only used me?" Colossus rushes forwards and leaps in the air. Barely missing her legs.

"What," Saturn turns, they grab the knife then races towards the two, slicing Colossus side.

Humana de sirenis let's out a gut wrenching scream, "you can't let her kill me, NAME, you can't!" Her eyes search for anything in Colossus's eyes. Of course, there was concern, but there was also the longing for death, the acceptance of taking deaths hand and follow it into the nothingness.
Tears well up in Humana de sirenis eyes, "no, NAME, you can't let me die, you can't let sirens die." There was silence until Colossus muttered "I have to, both our species should have perished long ago."

Blood dripped down black fur, he got off her, "you have to accept death, Sirenis, accept death and join me."

"No, no, no!" Humana de sirenis yelled, "I will not die, Realm, take him back, take him." Blood and ash spurted out of Humana de sirenis mouth.

"I'm sorry." Colossus looked back at her just before being blown away like a layer of dust in the wind.

"You, you did this!" Humana de sirenis turned back, mustering up all her strength.
"Me?" Saturn said, "you brought this upon yourself."

Humana de sirenis tried to punch the person but it turned to ash.
The ash followed up Sirenis's arm, and all Saturn could do was watch, frozen in place.
"You'll pay,." Humana de sirenis coughs up more ash. "You'll pay for this."

"I already have." Saturn says, just before passing out on the sidewalk, with a large gaping hole in their back.

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